~ Y3 ~ Chapter 4

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Next morning wasn't anything special; Y/N had breakfast, talked a little with her friends and attended classes.

"I will see you lot in a few minutes with Cedric. Fred, once everything is finished and everyone is there, give me a sign." Y/N waved to the Weasley twins as she made her way to the Great Hall to "study" with Cedric. "Hey, mr. Hufflepuff!" she ruffled his hair, sitting on his left, placing her school bag next to her. 

"Hey, little snake! So what does the smartarse of the school need help with?" he put his arm around her shoulders, smirking teasingly.

"Potions." she took out her notes "You see.... I wrote down all of Snape's instructions and somehow I still can't manage to make the potion work. Do you maybe have any tips?"

"Hm... I can't see any mistakes in what you wrote." he frowned, looking between their notes. "Maybe you got the wrong ingridient by accident when you were brewing." he shrugged.

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N could see Fred at the entrance of the Hall, giving her a thumbs up. Now she had to find a way of dragging him outside. "Okay, thanks. I think you're right about the ingridients. I mean, the list is SUPER  long. I also have a few questions about our Care of Magical Creatures assignment. Oh, look at the weather; it is so sunny and nice. Would you like to take the rest outside?"

"Sure." he sounded skeptical. Before she could, he took all of her belongings and carried them. "Where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking somewhere along the lake." she skipped ahead of him "Follow me! Come on, faster!"

They could see their friends in the distance, talking anxiously and standng in one line, forming a human wall "What's with them?" Cedric asked.

"I don't know." she shurgged, taking him by the arm and dragging him towards them (more like ran).

As soon as they got close, everyone yelled "Surprise!" and moved out of the way for Cedric to see what they had spent a week prepairing for him. There was a table with many delicious pastries that they had all baked (using magic, of course) and many different drinks. Behind the table stood golden baloons that spelt "Happy Birthday Cedric".

He was laughing "Thank you all!"

"Happy birthday, Mr Hufflepuff!" Y/N turned towards him and hugged him tightly. 

He cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes "Thank you, little snake!" he smiled then towards everyone else.

"Open your presents, Ced!" exclaimed George, sending a wink towards his Hufflepuff friend. With a flick of his wand, many wrapped boxes appeared in front of them.

"Woah!" Cedric said in amazement "You guys didn't have to get me anything. Thank you all!". He first went to open a weird shapped present. It had a card attached to it that read "From Y/N". He first glanced quickly at her and then proceeded to open it. His eyes widened when he saw what was in it: a Nimbus 2000. He got up and hugged the girl so hard she thought she was going to faint"Thank you, little snake! I... I can't thank you enought.. Thank you, Y/N!"


"Wake up, Y/N! You'll miss dinner if you don't." Evie shook the sleepy girl violently, trying to get her to wake up. Y/N straightened up, her eyes almost closed shut. "There. I will see you at our table. Bye, honey!" Evie left the room, leaving Y/N all alone. After realising where she was she got her stuff and left; she fell asleep in the Slytherin common room while doing her homework.

A few weeks have passed. It was already the end of October; Halloween to be exact. Y/N still couldn't believe that October came, let alone that the month would be finished.

"There she is." beamed Evie as her friend entered the Great Hall. Y/N waved lazily as a response and made her way towards her table. Not a moment after she sat down, the doors to the Hall opened and Professor Quirrell came storming in, agitated. That alerted some students, including Y/N.

"Troll! In the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon!" the professor screamed at the top of his lungs. Some proffesors from the staff table rose up and all of the students didn't dare to speak. He mumbeled something before collapsing onto the floor. It started thundering outside as the children started to panic, screaming. 

"I have to get Draco." Y/N got up. "Draco? Draco! Where are you, Dra-" she got pushed by the kids trying to get out of the Hall.

"Silence!" Dumbledor's voice was heard. Everyone froze. "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, prefects... will lead their house back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me-" 

"Y/N." someone tugged on the girls robe, getting her attention. It was Draco. She smiled and hugged him. "Take my hand and hold tight. DO NOT DARE to let go." she whispered, taking her brother's hand. The little boy nodded, looking anxious. After the headmaster's speech, all that echoed trough the Hall were the voices of the prefects.

"Fred, George!" she spotted her Gryffindor friends. "Do not look for the troll, please. Get back to your dorm, otherwise Percy will be mad. And you know how he is..." the boys lowered their heads as if they were being told off by their mother. 

After they were told that the troll had been dealt with, all students went searching for their friends to see if they were alright. "Y/N." she heard not far behind her. Cedric. She turned around and smiled. "You're not hurt, right?" she shook her head. "That's good to hear. What about your brother? I saw you two exiting the Hall together."

"I kept him close." she smiled. "I met George and Fred when we left. They were way behind the rest of the Gryffindors. I thought they wanted to go looking for the troll. Told them off a little. I hope they didn't-" she stopped when a pair of redheads caught her eye and turned towards them.

"Before you bombard us with questions, no, we did not go looking for the troll." Fred looked slightly dissapointed.

"We didn't. Ron beat us to it." added George quickly and Y/N's eyes widened. 

"Ron? Is he okay?" she barely asked as Ronald came into view. "Ronald Weasley. You are a first year. What were you thinking, going after a troll when you know practically no spells?" she crossed her hands at the boy. 

"You sound like mother. Has somebody ever told you that?" Ron looked up at her.

"Yea, these two troublemakers. Often, I might add." she looked at the twins "Plus, your mother secretly sends me letters to make sure that you guys are taken care of at Hogwarts and told off when needed. Think of me as your school mom." she smirked.

"You don't have to. McGonagall has already taken that upon herself and gave us a talk about how we are lucky that we were unharmed." shrugged the first year

"Then that's good." Y/N slightly smiled. She loved her Transfiguration teacher. I mean, how could you not. Just then, Ron's two friends came rushing towards him. When the girl saw Y/N and that she was a Slytherin, she pulled the two boys back, glaring at her. The Slytherin was slightly confused at first but then remembered that the trio weren't on good terms with her brother.

"..yea, we have Quidditch practice practically every single day until the match. Oliver wants to make sure that Harry is well trained and informed." Y/N heard one of twins after coming back to reality. 

"Oof. Poor guy. Then we won't really be seeing you guys after classes that much, right?" she asked, leaning on Cedric slightly.

"You won't, you two lovebirds." smirked George. "It will be just you two."

Cedric and Y/N looked at eachother annoyed. "Should we do it?" he asked, more like whispered. She nodded and in the next second the two were chasing the twins down.

A/N : Sorry for so many timeskips, but nothing really interesting happens in the first movie. I will try to add many cute moments between Y/N and Cedric so I hope you guys are looking foward to them. :))

𝑴𝒓 𝑯𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒇 | Y/N x Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now