~ Y3 ~ Chapter 9

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It was already the last week of their 3rd year.

"Time really does fly by when you're having fun, huh?" sighed Cedric, sitting down.

"Yup." nodded Y/N in response. 

The two were in the Great Hall, at the Hufflepuff table. Barely anyone was present, so they could sit down next to eachother quitely and without having to worry about people commenting.

"So..." the Hufflepuff started, turning towards the girl, looking her in the eye "...since your birthday is tomorrow, how would you like to celebrate this special day?"

"However you want, really." she shrugged "Anything will do just fine. My only requirement is you being by my side."

"Check." he smiled, making a checkmark in the air with one if his fingers. She lightly punched his arm in a playful manner. 

He stood there for a good few minutes, not talking, just staring at her. Didn't move a muscle. Suddenly, his face lit up and smiled. He got up quickly and, in a rush, said "Tomorrow, right before dinner starts. Wait for me in your common room and I will come pick you up. Oh, and dress well. Bye, little snake!"

The Malfoy just stood there, an amused smile on her face, staring at him; speechless. After a good minute in which she took everything he said in, she decided to go to her common room to look for Evie and spend some more time with her before the end of the school year.

It was the next morning. Y/N woke up by the sound of many girls giggling near her. She opened her eyes and when they noticed, her dormmates levitated a cake her direction and began to sing her happy birthday.

At breakfast she was bombarded with happy birthday wishes from every table. Her brother pretended he didn't care, but after leaving the Great Hall he pulled her aside.

"Yes, Draco? Is something botherin you?" she asked him, a hint of worry in her tone.

"No- everything is fine. Y/N...Happy birthday!" he said quitely and quickly hugged her. "Your present is waiting for you in your dorm, by the way." he murmured before dissapearing in the crowd of Slytherin first and second years.

The girl didn't admit it, but her brother's gestures somewhat melted her heart. When she opened the door to her shared room, a flower bouquet on her bed caught her attention. She rushed towards it and noticed a card that read 'Happy birthday, dear sister! P.S. After reading this card, burn it and don't tell a soul that you got these from me.'


"How do I look? Will this do?" Y/N spun around for Evie and the other Slytherin girls to get a good look at her outfit.

"You look GORGEOUS!" Evie beamed and the others nodded in response. "...Like always." she giggled.

"Alright." the Malfoy smiled and crouched down to get some hair accesories from her trunk. That is when she got her hands on the flower crown Cedric got her for Christmas. She didn't think twice and put it on. 

"Y/N!" the door suddenly opened, revealing an out of breath 2nd year Slytherin girl. "There is someone waiting for you at the entrance of the dorm." she was barely heard as she was breathing very loud.

"Alright, thanks." Y/N then turned towards the girls "See you lot later. Don't expect me to come to dinner any time soon. Or at all."

She bid goodbye to them and rushed towards the exit of her dorm. When she exited, a certain Hufflepuff was leaning on the wall, a flower bouquet in hand, looking at her; more like admiring.

𝑴𝒓 𝑯𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒇 | Y/N x Cedric DiggoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora