~ Y3 ~ Chapter 6

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The Christmas holiday had two days left and students were already arriving back to Hogwarts. The first and second years were not as happy as the others to be back; they had a Hogsmeade trip the day after their arrival to end the holiday on a good note.

It was evening. The Slytherins had arrived from the Great Hall and were chatting in the common room. Draco was sitting with his sister talking about the trip.

"So what do you want me to get you?" asked Y/N

"Well something sweet. Maybe the same things you brought me last time you went to Hogsmeade." 

"And what exactly did I bring?" she cocked her eyebrow, slightly surprised that Draco remembered what she had brought him from the previous trip to the village. Even she couldn't remember.

Draco started to list what he wanted; so many things, the poor girl had to make a list to remember everything. "Why are you so spoiled?" she sighed, shaking her head, writing down.

The next morning she woke up early. She had a good night's sleep but was too excited for the trip. She woke up her friend Evie and they went downstairs to the Great Hall for breakfast. 

Dumbledore advised the students to go and get ready as they would leave in one hour after breakfast was finished. All that could be heard in the Hall were the excited mutters of the children.

By ten o'clock, all of the students (year three and above, that were going) were walking towards the village, accompanied by teachers.

"Y/N" she suddenly felt a pair of hands around her waist and a head on her left shoulder. She flinched but then turned her head to meet Cedric's eyes. 

"Why did you do that?" she laughed. His hands were slidding off of her and his head was no longer resting on her shoulder.

"Why not?" he smirked, swinging his arm around her shoulders to bring her closer to him. "So.. Where do you wanna go first?" 

"Honeydukes. Draco made me his personal shopper for sweets this trip. Look at this HUGE list!" she sighed, showing him the list.

"Well that is a list if I ever did see one... Let's get this last so we don't have to carry this amount of swets with us the whole trip." the girl nodded in response. He looked around for shops and said that they should hit up Zonko's Joke Shop to try and find things to prank some people with (Draco and the twins being the people).

After approximately half an hour of looking through what the shop had to offer, the two third years left Zonko's Joke Shop. Y/N said that she would like to go to Gladrags Wizardwear to look for a new pair of gloves.

"I'm getting these ones." the girl held up a pair of thick black gloves that had little green snakes on them. 

"They suit you, little snake." he chuckeled, his eyes going between the girl and the gloves. "Look up there." he gestured towards the upper shelf. A matching scarf was displayed.

"That's so cute. I'm also getting that." she reached out to it, but Cedric beat her to it. Their hands slightly touched which made Y/N quickly remove hers. "Thanks." she thanked him after handing her the scarf.

"I will wait for you outside." he left the shop as it started getting crowded with Hogwarts students. He didn't want to be a nuisance, so he waited for her outside.

After what seamed like an eternity to the boy, the Slytherin exited the shop, with a bag in her hands that read "Gladrags Wizardwear". 

"So where off to next?" he took her hand in his and had a blast going through every shop. 


"Oh, wow, I'm tired." the girl plopped onto one of the benches, putting her shopping bags next to her.

𝑴𝒓 𝑯𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒇 | Y/N x Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now