Feelings are Mutual - Epilogue

Start from the beginning

Santhosh: No problem I will clean it up and get changed. You must be tired after doing all the work alone today. I even left early to work.

Keerthy again stopped him and pushed him to the guest room. Once they had dinner she again dragged him to watch TV. When she saw the clock struck 12 she smiled at Santhosh who was already smiling at her. They both screamed " Happy anniversary" in unison.

They both rushed to the guest room and came back holding boxes in their hands and exchanged their gifts. Keerthy opened it and saw a beautiful peacock blue Kanchipuram silk saree and tiny box which had gold bangles. Santhosh opened his box which revealed his favourite brand shirt, pant and favourite brand watch.

Keerthy: This saree is beautiful Santhosh. I love it. You bought my favourite color too.

Santhosh: You always got a better taste. Better I will leave in your hands to buy my costumes.

Santhosh hugged her and Keerthy moved away and blindfolded him using one of her shawl.

Santhosh: You got me more surprise ?

Keerthy: Yes, now let's go to our room. Surprise awaits you.

She took his hand and walked to their room. She slowly removed the blindfold and the view before him made him shed happy tears. Their room was decorated with flowers and candles but the " I love You Santhosh " on the wall was all he could see. Keerthy stood to his front and held his hand in hers. She kissed his palm and let go of his hand only to cup his face.

Keerthy: You are the best Santhosh. From being a man with fear of commitments, you have surprised me by waiting a year and yet you never forced me to claim any rights of yours as husband. You have said those magical words everytime we are together but you never showed any hard feelings when I never reciprocated it. Your patience, care, love has turned me selfish that I want them only for me. I fell hard for you long back but again you have made me fall for you even more every day. I wanted to confess this on our special day.  I love you Santhosh. I love you so much.

Santhosh pulled her a bone crushing hug and mumbled I love you burying his face in her hair. Keerthy rubbed his back understanding his emotional state. Santhosh wiped his tears and pulled back from the hug and kissed her forehead.

Keerthy: Promise me that you will leave the past behind forever. I forgave you the moment you realised your mistakes so promise me that today is the last day we are talking about our past. Please get over your guilt and lets start our life. Its time we should move on.

Santhosh smiled and nodded his head. His eyes shifted behind her to their bed which was also filled with flowers. 

Santhosh: Why is the bed filled with flowers ?

Keerthy: I don't know... 

Santhosh kissed her cheeks gently and his lips trialed to her ear and nibbled on her earlobe.

Santhosh: May be we should try to find the purpose of it together.

Keerthy: I will be back in few minutes.

She left the room and Santhosh moved to the wall and touched the magical words and returned to bed and caressed the flowers that decorated the bed. Hearing the sound of the door creech he looked at ahead and his breath caught in his throat. Keerthy entered dressed in a silk nightie and her hair adorned with jasmine flowers.

She stopped leaning on the door her eyes not leaving the floor and her fingers fidgeting with the gown on her sides due to nervousness. Santhosh moved towards her and held her sweating palms and kissed them.

Santhosh: Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I love the way you are Keethu ma.

Keerthy: I know you love seeing me in saree but I want to change for you and I love doing it for you.

Santhosh: You look gorgeous pondati.

Keerthy blushed and immediately gasped when he carried her in bridal style and laid her on the bed hovering on her.

Santhosh: One year of our marriage I got promoted, you started your catering business and cooking classes. We have financially settled. So what is our goal 5 years from now ?

Keerthy: A cute little Keerthy and a sweet little Santhosh. A happy family of our own but we need an individual home for our children to live to their freedom. Grow plants, have pets, no rules for them.

Santhosh: Wowww so we should not waste time and this decoration too. am I right Mrs. Santhosh?

Keerthy nodded her head and threw her hands around his neck as their nights turned into a blissful one filling the room with their moans and groans.



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One shots                            by msjaslyWhere stories live. Discover now