Feelings are Mutual

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Disclaimer: All names or characters, events or incidents are purely my imagination and please don't compare the characters to any idol of yours. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

A long shot of 4000 words ahead. Please have patience to read completely. I didn't want to drag this in two parts so clubbed it together. The previous two shots were full of fun and this one will be emotional one. Not sure if I have done justice to what I had in my mind. 


As the sun set and dark clouded the sky people had started to end their long day at office. the huge building with a wide exit let the cars out as the employees started leaving the office. In the corner of the lane stood Santhosh leaning his back on the car holding some roses in his hand, eagerly waiting for his wife Keerthana to be out of the office. As he got the glimpse of her reaching the exit he rushed to her and smiled at her passing the flowers to her which she recieved with a blank expression.

Santhosh: Keerthy, I m done with my projects and getting a few days off. How about we go on a short vacation ? your favourite place Darjeeling ?

Keerthy: No Santhosh, I m taking in another project so I will be busy for couple of months. 

She got in the passenger seat and threw the rose in the back seat rubbing her forehead with closed eyes. Santhosh watched the flowers and got in the driver seat without a word. He drove to a restaurant to have dinner and throughout the time he was constantly trying to keep the conversation with only nods from Keerthy.

Once they were back home which was a flat in a luxurious apartment he closed the door and  hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek.

Santhosh: You lok beautiful in this saree Keerthy.

Keerthy: I m tired Santhosh, so don't even start anything now. I need a bath to relieve the stress.

Keerthy moved away from his hold and entered the washroom grabbing a towel from her wardrobe. Santhosh heaved running his hand through his hair and got changed before he got into the bed.

Morning he got early to prepare food as Keerthy looked very stressed may be due to her work. He packed their lunch and placed the plates for breakfast and saw Keerthy already ready for office.

Santhish: I know you are tired so I cooked today. Come lets have.

Keerthy nodded and sat on the chair and they served the dosa and chutney he prepared. As soon as she took the first piece in her mouth she spit it out and gulped water.

Keerthy: did you dump all the salt in to this ? Its horrible. I will have something from the cafeteria.

Santhosh: sorry Keerthy. Just take the lunch with you.

Keerthy: I don't want to embarass myself before my colleagues.

Santhosh: ok, I will get my keys and we will for office.

Keerthy: I have booked a cab so you have your time to finish your breakfast.

She grabbed her bag and left the home. Santhosh sat looking at the boxes he had packed. He lost the appetite and got ready to office. Evening as usual he picked her and they returned home. Unlike the previous day she was talking non stop only difference was she was talking to her colleague over call. He could see her being happy from the way she was smiling through the chat. Once they reached the apartment Keerthy got down and Santhosh drove to the nearest hypermarket and bought the groceries and returned home to see Pizza left over on the teapoy and Keerthy was watching movie in her laptop.

One shots                            by msjaslyWhere stories live. Discover now