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prolouge: start of a new chapter☆•°

Camille's POV

Two weeks after my recent case and the funeral of Frank, I was currently in my office in the police department, crouching down as I cleaned up the gunk out in my flower pot. "Camille! You have a visitor." Chief Martinez informed as she knocked on my door of my office, a small smile creeping on her face.

I tilted my head in curiousity as I stood ip from my crouching position. "May I ask who's the visitor would be, Chief?" I asked, praying that it wouldn't be one of the suspects expecting me to run errands for them again.

The Chief moved away, revealing some man with his brown hazel hair swept upwards to the side with shades, wearing a blue polo shirt and some khaki pants, he was also carrying a brown shoulderbag.

"Hey, Detective. The name's Jack Archer." Jack introduced as he waved and entered my office, holding out his hand for me to shake, I nodded and shook hands with him. "Camille Dupont, pleasure to meet you."

"Aren't you a bit too young to be a detective?" He asked as we both let go of our hands, his eyes scanning and studying me. "Why yes I am, actually. So what brings you here.." I trailed off, not sure how to address him since I don't wanna come off rude by calling his first name but at the same time I don't wanna be too formal to an American.

"Please, just call me 'Archer'. I don't mind, really." He paused with a smile, "And as for your question - I won't beat around the bush, the Bureau sent me here. We've been looking for a new recruit and a certain Agent Z told us you were the person we needed." He explained, making me and Cheif gasps quietly.

"The Bureau!? You mean the Worldwide Security Agency!?" Amy shrieked as she was right next to the Chief, I waved at her as Archer looked back on his shoulder and saw Amy, who was starting to fangirl as soon as she walks up to my side.

"You guys are the top police forces in all the world! Its an honor to have you visit!" Amy said as she slightly blushed, her blue eyes twinkling in awe. "Hahaha, thanks, cutie." Archer winked at Amy and her blush deepens at the small gesture.

Now that I thought about it, I heard from Frank and the Chief about the Bureau once or twice, that they had the best of the best recruited in the agency. "What did you say about the Bureau thing?" I asked as I broke their long eye contact, wanting to make sure my thought was correct.

"Right, well as your friend had said, the Bureau is filled with the top police forces from around the world, and that's why we're here, to recruit the cream of the corp." Archer explained with a smile and a firm nod.

Amy latched onto my arm. "Cami, you'd know I'd never want to see you go but- YOU'VE GOT TO SAY YES!" Amy exclaimed at me, her eyes now glistening. "Amy, I ca-" "People would kill for an opportunity like this, so I suggest you go." Amy continued as she hugged my arm, almost on the verge of crying. I didn't wanna leave Pacific Bay.

Archer then chuckled and agreed with Amy. "I'm pretty sure people have killed for this opportunity, actually." He said as he scratched the back of his head. Is the Bureau really that big and famous to the point people would do anything to be recruited? Not that I don't really mind on joining but-

Chief Martinez then came in the room and stood beside Archer. "I agree with Amy, Camille. You've done a lot in Pacific Bay. In fact, this city went through dark times and went through it all. Bringing the order and peace back when it was all nothing but chaos." She said, her tone soft and gentle.

"But.. what would happen then to the investingations?" I asked, holding onto Amy's hand and gave it a firm squeeze. "You're trained Amy enough. I'm sure she can handle it." The Chief paused and walked forward until she was in front of me.

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