Chapter 22: Revealing One's Hand

Start from the beginning

Hayate: "The power of Visions... such a covetable power."

Jaren: "Yeah. If only we had some more Vision Wielders in our group. Then we would be able to actually do something about all this!"



Again, as I had every other time before now, I lifted up my shield and my team came and stood behind me, allowing me to protect them. I was not as well-trained with ranged weapons as some of the other soldiers were. Usually using the ranged capabilities of my Vision to cover such weaknesses, and with the platoon leader asking me to use my Vision as little as possible... it meant that I was best left on shield duty, whilst my subordinates would all be a part of the archery defence beside me.

Yukina: "Clear!"

Hayate: "Thank the Archons that those Shogunate dogs have such terrible aim! And the arrows that do hit their mark just bounce right off our shields! What cruddy marksmanship! The smiths in charge of their equipment ought to be ashamed!"

Jaren: "I... I'd rather we were just okay with their arrows not piecing through, personally..."

Yukina: "Did you not hear me say 'Clear'?! Less chatter and more sniping! We're not gonna show our might with just petty gossip! Come on, boys, shoot!"

As usual, Yukina was keeping the two guys from gobbing off too much, as she always did. It really shouldn't have come to anyone's surprise that I ended up declaring Yukina as second in-command should I be absent for any reason. She might not have quite the proficiency in battle that Hayate has, but she is always focused 100% on any and all orders that I give her and the rest of the team. I could rest assured on leaving those three to fill out my orders without my presence, knowing that Yukina would keep the team on the straight and narrow until we reunited.

It was a matter that I had brought up with General Gorou previously, actually, seeing as how he had mentioned perhaps splitting me away from Leviathan I so that I could instead become a dedicated instructor for new recruits. I remember telling the General that, should the team end up being split up and the three remaining troops of Leviathan I to be placed elsewhere, that Yukina should definitely be offered a position of leadership. The role suit her well. Almost as well as Hayate suited the frontlines!

Yukina: "Captain?"

Y/N: "Hm? What is it, Yukina?"

Yukina: "... We're running out of arrows. We've only got seven left between us."

Hayate: "Us and the whole of our defence! At this rate we're going to end up being sitting ducks! Where the hell are our reinforcements already?!"

Jaren: "th–They take prisoners, don't they...? The Shogunate, I mean?"

... They bring up a good point. What exactly are we meant to do when we run out of arrows? The Shogunate side will certainly realise something is up when we all stop firing our volleys back at them as we have been for the past few hours. And what then? What would they do? Would they continue their assault from afar until we surrendered? Or would they charge upon our position now under no threat of retaliation until we were utterly overwhelmed?

Captain: "Platoon leader, sir! Our team only has one volley of arrows left, sir!"

Platoon Leader: "Understood. And what of our reserves, Logistics division?!"

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