Chapter 17: First Conflict

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Nathan: "Ah, if it isn't 'Captain Y/N', I've been asked to deliver this to you. Another letter from our mutual friend."

Y/N: "Oh? Well, thanks. Is there anything else or is it just the letter?"

Nathan: "Just the letter for now. It's best we keep our interactions limited, so as to not out our Lady as a benefactor... for her protection from the Shogunate, of course, should the rebellion fail."

Y/N: "I see... Well, thanks anyways, I guess."

The mysterious soldier I had come to learn was called Nathan had handed me the letter, in an icy blue envelope and stamped with some familiar looking lipstick. And no sooner had I been handed the letter had the soldier made himself sparse, leaving me alone in the dark once again. I'd noticed the note being left on my desk earlier, asking me to meet at this remote spot under cover of darkness... but now that I've received the letter, I suppose I might as well head back to my room and read what is on this letter before I get some sleep and—


Huh, I recognise that voice... What are you doing up so late, Yukina? And not even at the training grounds, but this random spot out beyond the reaches of the camp...?

Yukina: "HYA! HYA! HYAAAH!"

I didn't immediately make my presence known, so that instead I might just be able to espy what exactly it was that she was up to. Not that it was much more than I thought it might be. It looks like she had pinched one of the training dummies from the training grounds, as well as several other items, and brought them out here in the middle of nowhere to train in a more secretive manner. I can see that she brought a fair few weapons out here with her too...

Yukina: "HYAAAAAAAAH!" *pant pant*

Y/N: "Nice bladework. I can see you've really been taking my lessons to heart."

Yukina: "Ah! Oh... It's you, Captain? What are you doing here?"

Y/N: "I could ask you the same, and with all this equipment from the training grounds you've brought out here with you too. Any particular reason for that?"

Yukina: "... well... It's– it's a little embarrassing to admit... *sigh* That damned Hayate just keeps getting in my head! His constantly saying I'm weak and that I'm going to get everyone dead... "

Y/N: "Ehhh. Don't mind him. You know how he is, he's just like that with everyone."

Yukina: "It'd be easier to deal with if he was just cocky for no reason... But he's not! He's actually a really good soldier! Well, not as good as you of course, Captain, but he's still pretty good!"

Y/N: "You really shouldn't let him get under your skin. He may be... a bit of a jerk, but in a twisted way, he does mean well... well enough at least."

Yukina: "I know that! But... urgh! Can he not just give me a break? I'm doing my best here! Before you joined the Resistance I could barely swing my sword without falling over, but now I can actually win some of the duels at the training grounds!"

Y/N: "So I've seen! You really have improved a lot, Yukina! You should be proud of yourself for how far you've managed to get already!"

Yukina: "Huh... You really mean that, right?"

Y/N: "Of course! I'm sure that when the time comes that we as a team get called into a real battle, you'll do just fine. In fact, I'll feel much more secure knowing I have such a reliable team following me into the fight!"

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