Chapter 6

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Pheonix's Office

    I smile as Edgeworth's text appeared on the screen. I'm actually quite surprised that he's going. I decide to text Larry on Edgeworth's decision.

    "Heyy Larry Egeworth agreed to go"

    Honestly, Larry's...texting style didn't bother me, but if Edgeworth doesn't like how I type wait until he sees this. Sometimes Larry doesn't even spell correctly and it's up to me to determine what exactly he's trying to say. He claims it's my job "as defense attorney to figure things out!" Though it's hard, I usually do a good job.

    "Yeah! I'm honestly surprised" I texted Larry back.
     I honestly don't know why Larry doesn't text like a normal person, but I don't mind, everyone has little weird things with them. Like my so-called "hedgehog" hair, or Maya's whole spirit medium attire.

    It's kind of lonely here without Maya, I don't think I've ever been alone at the office really, if you don't count her being in the detention center that is. It's quiet. I hated being woken up by that one dumb kids show that she watched, but now it's kind of lonely without it. Hopefully she'll be back soon.

    I sigh and check my budget, I know Larry won't pay for his meal. I've been his friend for awhile. I'm just wondering how much it'd cost, I can't pay for myself and Larry and leave Edgeworth out of it. It also doesn't help that Maya and Larry have been clients and they don't really pay me. I'd still defend them again if the time ever came though.

    I should be good to pay for all us. I spin my chair around, what's the point of having a spinny chair if you don't spin in it? I still can't believe we actually got Edgeworth to go out.

    (Author's Note: Next Chapter will be the lunch date between the three so it hopefully won't be as boring as this one was!)

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