Chapter 9

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11 years ago

My sophomore year is in full swing. It's halfway through September. I've adjusted to my new schedule and classes, including my first AP class. I have way more homework this year but I still find time to do it between marching band practices and hanging out with my friends. Casey got her license last month, so we have been spending lots of time at the mall in the next town over. 

I'm halfway through my Honors American Literature class, just waiting for the bell to ring. We don't have rehearsal after school today so Casey, Payton, Melinda and I are going to the mall after school to look for homecoming dresses. Homecoming is two weeks away and we can barely contain our excitement! None of us have dates or anything, but who doesn't love an excuse to put on a fancy dress and go to Olive Garden?

While Mrs. Fleming is droning on about life in the pioneer days to help us understand the background of our new reading, The Crucible, I zone out. I can't help but daydream about homecoming. I imagine myself twirling in a cinderella blue dress underneath the strobe lights and streamers covering our school cafeteria. I imagine my hair in ringlets bouncing on my back as I jump along to the music with my friends. I imagine the feel of Charlie's hands on my waist as we slow dance in the middle of the room, feeling like we are the only people in the room. 

My dreaming is interrupted by the abrupt ringing of the bell and Mrs. Fleming is reminding us to read the first 40 pages of The Crucible for class tomorrow. I quickly shove my book into my backpack and close my folder on top of my papers before rushing out into the madness that is dismissal. Everyone is nose deep in their phones as they rush their way to the nearest door. Jocks are playfully shoving each other into lockers as they head to the athletic wing for practices. Lockers are banging open and shut all over the building as people gather their belongings. 

I make my way over to the history wing where Casey and I have lockers this year. As I am putting away the books I don't need to lug home tonight, I feel Casey open up her locker next to me. "Are you excited for the mall?" She asks me. "I heard Deb's is having a sale on homecoming dresses this week. I can't wait to try on dresses in every color! Do you know which one you're leaning towards?"

I close my locker door and replace my purple combination lock. "I'm leaning towards a light blue. Maybe something sparkly. I'm not entirely sure." 

Casey is digging around on her top locker shelf for her car keys. "Really? That sounds cute. Not gonna lie, I think you should try on a fiery red one though. I bet it would really pop since you're still tan from summer swim team." 

She closes her locker and we look down the hallway, waiting for Payton and Melinda to join us. "Hey, it could have been you too," I remind her. " I offered to talk to Coach about letting you join the team this summer. It would have been so fun to have you around! I was lonely now that Rachel and Kate don't swim anymore. Laaaaaaammmmmme."

We spot Payton and Melinda stopping at their lockers way down at the other end of the hallway. Casey and I start to walk in their direction. "Oh please. You couldn't have been that lonely. You had Charlie all to yourself this summer.I'm sure it was torture." Casey dramatically places her hand on her forehead as she says this. 

I playfully his her arm. "It truthfully was. Teenage boys are a mystery I have yet to fully understand."

In all honesty, it wasn't that bad having a lane to myself with Charlie most days. Sure there were other high schoolers on the team, but most of them skipped practices during the summer. It gave Charlie and I lots of time to grow close. During our conversations about vacations, books I was reading, video games he was playing, and more, he started to become one of my closest friends. We rarely hung out together besides at the pool, but we had lots of time to learn about each other.  These conversations had lead to lots of inside jokes that we shared during band rehearsals this month. 

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