Act 7

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The walk to the car and the drive home was so tiring. All I wanted to do was go home and rest. But I have to met up with Izzy in 2 hours

After what felt like life was going in slow motion. we made it to the hotel, Abi was half asleep against the door. "Aufwachen. wir sind hier" (wake up. We are here)

Abi Rolls her eyes "ich sehe bei" ouch, moody teenager. I shut off the car and walk to the hotel with Abi sluggishly walking behind me.

We made it to the lobby and get into an elevator. After a long minute in the elevator we made it to the second floor.

I got out my hotel card and swiped the card into the scanner and unlocked the hotel room.

Abi walks to the bed and lays down, "geh noch nicht schlafen. Sie müssen weiterhin Zähne putzen, Haare putzen und duschen" (don't go to sleep yet. you still need to brush your teeth, hair and shower).

Abi groans and rolls off the bed and onto the floor, she lays there for a minute before getting up and getting Pj's, her brush and toothbrush.

She walks into the bathroom and locks the door behind her. I walk to my bag and look for comfortable but casual enough clothes.

I get my clothes out of the bag, as I heard a high pitched 'bing' came from my flip-phone. I sat my clothes on my sister bed and walked over to mine

I picked up the phone to see that Khloe and Sofia are trying to call me from our gc. I click accept

Me: Hallo (hello)
Khloe: Hallo Mädchen (hello girl)
Sofia: Yo, Schlampe (hello bitch)
Khloe: Erzählen Sie uns besser von Izzy, wenn Sie zurückkommen (you better tell us about izzy when you get back)
Sofia: Schlampe, du musst uns sie kennenlernen lassen! (Bitch, you need to let us meet them!)
Me: ja, Ich weiß es und ich werde es tun (yeah, I know and I will)

My sister walks out of the bathroom with her hair wet and her clothes changed

Me: Mädchen, ich rufe dich zurück. ( girls, i'll call you back.)
Khloe and Sofia said Bye to me and I hung up.

My sister looks at me funny since I've never hung up the phone when she enters a room unless I'm hiding something. I guess she didn't think about it because she moved my clothes to the nightstand and plopped down on the bed and started to sleep.
After 45 minutes my sister was passed out in the bed. I grab my clothes and carefully and quietly walked to the bathroom.

I lit on my clothes and re-did my make-up to make sure I looked somewhat decent.

I shut off the light and gently shut the bathroom door. I walk over to my side of the bed and picked up my platform boots.

I got my Hotel card and phone before lightly closing the hotel door. I sat down near the door and put on my shoes.
I got to my car and started to navigate to where Izzy wanted to meet me.

With several minutes of U-turns, being lost, and wanting to run my car into a ditch, I found where izzy wanted to meet me.

I parked into the parking lot and shut off my car before stepping out. I looked around at the park to see Izzy on the swings and other people running around like idiots.

I walk up to Izzy and take his cigarette out of his mouth and take a drag, "I'm here drummer" Izzy looks up at me a little surprised. "Jesus fuck you scared me"

I hand him back his cigarette and blow the smoke in his face, " I had to make my appearance known"

Izzy laughs as I look at the rest of the band. "I though I was the only one going to be here" It was more of a statement more than a question. "It was, until Tom Found out and forced me to bring them to meet you"

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