Amara sighed and slumped back into her seat.

"And if it's that big of a deal, just call the kid and tell him now before we get there, give him time to be angry and hopefully cool down by the time we show up," Tony shrugged before finally settling on a movie.

Amara sighed and grabbed her phone, unlocking it as she moved to the further end of the plane.

She dialled Peter's number and held the phone up to ear as she waited for him to pick up.

"Hey," Peter's voice sounding through the speaker, before she immediately realised it was his voicemail, "this is Peter. I'm sorry I missed you. Leave a message and I'll get back to you, I guess."

When she heard the beep, she scrunched her face frustratedly and contemplated putting the phone down, but then she started talking, "Hey, Peter. It's Amara. I kind of need to talk to you about something. It's sort of important and... just call me back, please. Okay...bye."

She hung up and slumped onto the nearest seat while Tony raised his hand and said, "You did this to yourself. You should have told him before."

"Shut up!" Amara grunted.

After waiting a shocking total of about three minutes, Amara picked up her phone again and tried phoning once more.

She heard it ring and then, again, "Hey, this is Peter. I'm sorry I missed you. Leave a message and I'll get back to you, I guess."

Amara, childishly, shouted in frustration, hung up before she heard the beep and threw her phone onto the seat next to her, holding her face in her hands.

Amara closed her eyes and thoughts of Peter took over her mind. His scent, his fluffy hair, his brown eyes, but sometimes they were hazel if the light hit them just right. She thought of his smile and the warmth she felt when he smiled at her. She remembered the sound of his laugh that just made her want to sit still and look as it spread across his eyes, his cheeks and his mouth. She couldn't help but smile as she felt the joy emanating off him.

Amara had heard of a contagious smile even a contagious laugh, but Peter Parker had something different. He had this contagious happiness that forced everyone around him to feel genuinely happy. Just the thought of him would put a smile on her face and seeing him happy was like feeling that happiness for herself.

Amara's heart sank at the thought of losing that. Of losing Peter.

"He's gonna hate me. And he's never gonna talk to me again," Amara said, hopelessly, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "And there's nothing I can do about it."

Tony must have felt some sympathy towards his daughter because he let out a breath and paused his movie, getting up to come and sit with her again.

He stood in front of her and patted her back, "Come on, kid, you're fine."

Amara looked up and Tony noticed the tears in her eyes. He was shocked but almost instantly kneeled down in front of her, "Hey. Hey, Amara, You're Okay. It's okay. He's your friend, right? He'll understand. It might take a bit of time, but I think you'll be fine."

"What if it's not?" Amara asked quietly.

"It will be. No one would be stupid enough to let go of a relationship because one of them had to keep a secret for their job. Your friendship will be fine," Tony reassured her.

"No, I- but what if it isn't?" Amara said.

"Okay, he doesn't even know yet, let's stop acting like he hates you already and deal with that problem when the time comes, okay?" Tony said. "But you still have to come with me, I'm sorry."

Babysitting a Superhero (Stark's daughter X Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now