22. That Time Pietro Proved He Can't Keep A Secret

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Another One Bites The Dust - Queen

Steve walks warily down the street
With the brim pulled way down low
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet
Machine guns ready to go
Are you ready? Hey, are you ready for this?
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Out of the doorway, the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat, yeah

Amara woke up on Friday morning, still happy and completely confused about the events that happened at Peter's the other day. What had gotten into her? Lately she had been finding the boy extremely adorable, and it made it hard to keep lying to him.

But what could she do? She couldn't possible ignore one of her only friends, but she couldn't tell him the truth either. Amara was stuck.

And Amara did think about telling Peter the truth, telling him everything, in fact, she was seriously considering this.

The thought was still on her mind when she arrived home that night, ready to relax on a nice, long, weekend. She walked into the kitchen after quickly depositing her stuff into her room, and saw Steve and Nat, staring, intensely at each other. Steve was holding onto Nat's arm to stop her from leaving and it looked like they were in the middle of an intense conversation.

Amara cleared her throat, "What's going on in here?"

"Nothing," Nat said, still looking at Steve until she eventually shifted her focus towards Amara. "So we heard about your friend."

Amara's heart stopped, "how did you-?"

"When can we meet them?" Steve asked.

Amara was still looking over in shock, "What is going on? How-" Amara paused, in realisation, "Pietro. That little shit!"

Amara stomped off in determination to find Pietro Maximoff and have him explain what he has just done.

When she found him, sitting on the sofa, eating popcorn, she snatched his popcorn away from him and used her powers to throw him off the couch. "What did you do?!" Amara asked, clearly frustrated at her friend's significant lack of ability when it comes to keeping secrets.

Pietro threw his hands up, "Before you get mad, it wasn't my fault! Wanda forced it out of me; she read my mind, I tried really hard, I promise!"

"So then how do Steve and Nat know?" Amara asked.

"Agent Romanoff was in the corner of the room when Wanda found out. "She must have told Steve. They've been really close lately."

"Yeah I noticed that, too. Do you think there's something going on?"

"Maybe. I think you should-" Pietro started.

"Stop distracting me!" Amara said, angrily, playfully pushing him. "You know how much I love getting involved in other people's shit! Who else knows?"

"Well, Natasha told Steve and Bruce, but they didn't tell anyone. Wanda told Vision and Clint, but Vision didn't tell anyone because the only person he would have told was Wanda. Clint told Laura and Laura told Pepper who didn't tell Tony because they're on a break, but she didn't tell anyone either. Laura told Jane too who told Thor, and that's it, I think."

"So everyone," Amara said, "thanks, Peepee. Does my dad know?"

"No, Stark doesn't know, at least, last time I checked he didn't know."

"That's reassuring. When was the last time you checked?"

"About 2 hours ago?"

"Okay, maybe he'll be less annoyed if I'm the one to tell him."

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