A New Founding Resolve!

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Just a week away before the tournament begins.  But I'm still contemplating on entering knowing what would be on the line.

I decided to just to keep myself to my room at the motel and keep away from others for the day.  Trying to decide to enter or not was more difficult than I imagined.  From the chance of losing one or more of cards, to running into Marik and his men, and possibly running into Yami and Seto.

But I wasn't sure if Marik was here personally or not or that he would be coming here to participate.  If his men are already here scouting for me, who knows how many more will be out there during the tournament.

That's probably what Seto was hoping for from making his new rule of gaining the losing duelist's card.  Which means Ishizu might have told him about the Rare Hunters, but I'm not sure if she told him about her brother.

All that in mind, I still have to make a decision.  Having my cards laid out on my bed in front of me, I'm hoping I can make an answer before next week.  I also have set aside the new cards from Solomon's shop.

*(!) I see your still in thought about the tournament. (!)*

Herald came in her spirit form from her card before the end of the mattress.  Meanwhile Kidmodo was rolling around on the mattress.

"It's just... a lot to process.  Not to mention the thought still lingers in my head about...", Kyra.

*(!) About? (!)*

"...The chance of losing my cards if I lose.", Kyra.

*(!) So then don't lose. (!)*

"Yeah, very easy said than done.", Kyra.

*(!) But I don't think that's what troubling you. (!)*

"Oh?", Kyra.

*(!) I think what troubles you is this tournament and what it may bring to those around you.  Especially if it involves Marik and his Rare Hunters. (!)*

Hearing Herald say that brought back a flashback to the past.  A past I try not to think about, almost as much as the ancient past 5000 years ago.

"...You were there Herald.  You felt what I saw in his mind.  A deep dark pit, so dark I could feel the shadows trying to pull me in.  Against Pegasus was one thing, but against him, it'll be more dangerous than before.", Kyra.

*(!) Maybe it won't have to be if you enter this tournament. (!)*

"......", Kyra.

*(!) If you believe in your cards and your friends, there's no reason for you to lose.  Not in this tournament or if you go against Marik. (!)*

I take a look at my cards again laid out before me with Heralds words in mind.  With a little thinking, I haven't decided yet but I do know one thing to do.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit.", Kyra.

*(!) To Solomon's? (!)*

"No, a registration office for the tournament.  I read that's where you enter and get yourself a duel disk.", Kyra.

As I get my stuff in order and about to head out.

*(!) Does this mean your gonna enter? (!)*

"No...  But I'm gonna find out.", Kyra.


As I walk towards the shop, I still have my hooded cloak on to be safe.

*(!) If Kaiba is running this tournament and entering himself, than that definitely means Yugi is entering too.  But not because he just aims to win, if Ishizu's involved then he may enter to find out more about what destiny has in store for him.

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