Valentines Day (Charlie)

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It's Valentine's Day, and you and Charlie are dating. You two don't live near each other so you don't see him much. You and your girls decided to spend the day together to go shopping, get coffee, and do some other things to help you feel better. When you got back it was around 4:00 pm. When you walk into your room you see Charlie dressed up standing in your room with 16 roses some baby's breath (flower) some candles lit around the room and random pedals laying around. You almost start to cry. You walk over to him and kiss him. After a few minutes of hugs and kisses, he says to you "How about you get ready because I'm taking you out to dinner." He says smiling at you. You look up into his blue eyes and say "Ok, I love you so much." As Charlie waited on you to get ready he sat in the living room talking to your dad. When you were ready you walked into the room Charlie and your dad were in, then they both stood up at the sight of you standing there in a red dress with your hair curled. As Charlie stands there lost for words your dad says "Honey you look beautiful and all grown up. I hope you two have fun." You "Thanks, Charlie, are you about to cry, are you ok?" Charlie "Yeah sorry you just look so beautiful." You smile and say "Thanks" 

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