Mei Mei

2.1K 19 7

Y/N: 24
Mei Mei: 26

• Shower •

I had arrived almost 10 minutes earlier than I was expected. Gojo, Mei, and I were all tasked with patrolling some fancy auction show. Mei Mei said there were rumors of a cursed spirit showing up or even worse...Geto. He had cut all ties from the sorcerer society and was now working alongside cursed spirits. Not that I was ever close to him in the first place...I knew it hurt Gojo to see him go though.

"It would be a shame if we had to ruin such fine decor over a fight" Mei Mei said from behind me.

We had arrived at the auction and we're making our way into the dining all where the trading would be taking place. As I glanced around the room, my eyes were met with shinny dresses and colorful ties. These people here were nothing short of luxury....

"I wouldn't worry about the decor as much as your own life Mei" Gojo stated back.

"Like she could ever worry about her life" I chipped in.

Mei Mei was strong, maybe not as strong as Gojo but definitely stronger than me. After Geto abandoned everyone, I was left to pick up the pieces in his absence. Taking on the role of Gojo's sidekick wasn't in my agenda but it beats going on lame missions with Nanami. We found a table at the back of the room near the doorway and made ourselves comfortable.

The lights dimmed a few minutes later with a tall man in a black suit entering on stage. A spotlight drew down on him has he lifted the microphone to speak.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight, ladies you look lovely tonight and gentlemen...well, your getting lucky tonight!" He said.

The crowed erupted in laughter at the man's bad attempt at a joke while Gojo scanned the room for any potential threats in the audience. I looked over to my right to see Mei Mei examining the gold wine glasses in front of us.

"You know Y/ do look very lovel-" Gojo started to say.

"Shut it Satoru, we all know she would never be caught dead with the likes of you" Mei Mei defeated.

Gojo would constantly flirt with everyone around him, it was all jokes but I still hated it. Mei Mei knew the jokes made me uncomfortable and would shut them down anytime Gojo started to make one. I thanked her with a smile as I took a sip of wine from the glass in front of me. The man on stage was still talking about all the items they had on auction tonight and who would be presenting them and blah blah blah...It had only been about an hour into the show before Gojo sensed something coming from outside.

"Let's go" He ushered.

We all stood up at his command and made our way out the room into the long hall. I took a big chug of wine from my glass before following behind them. As we walked through the hall, a feeling of distress came over me...there was definitely a curse out there.

Before we reached the door, it broke open with a huge crash. A large lizard like curse appeared from the wreckage and started to attack Gojo. He fought it off while Mei and I made our way outside. As we thought, there were more of them. Mei Mei looked at me as if to tell me she's got my back before charging into the crowed of curses.

I followed after her, drawing my cursed sword and killing whatever demon lizards were in my way. I had taken down at least five of them before my head started feeling dizzy, I looked to the ground to see it was spinning underneath me...was this a cursed technique? No this was....the wine. I thought before I felt my body crash into the hard ground beneath me....

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