Immature, but home

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'What's the plan for tonight, boys?' Bojan asked enthusiastically as the cold air embraced our faces. 'And girl.' he quickly added when he noticed my unimpressed face.

'I can't be bothered going out tonight.' Nace input, a statement that was met with full agreement from the rest of us.

'Straight back, then?' Bojan suggested.

'We should pick up some drinks first.' Kris decided, and again, nods all around.

It wasn't a long walk to the nearest off-license; we were in the Liverpool town centre, after all. Although the shop was small and dingy, the prices were cheap, so we dismissed the sketchy atmosphere and headed in to grab some booze. I wasn't at all shocked when Bojan practically ran for some Jack Daniels, while Kris and Nace went to pick up some beer crates.

'What do you want?' Jan asked me, and I furrowed my brow in thought, wanting to impress him with my drink of choice. However, my rationality quickly left me as I remembered that he wouldn't judge whatever I picked. If you gave a kid £100 and let them loose in a sweet store, I seriously don't think they would've been any more excited than I was.

'Let's get a bottle of prosecco. And some of that.' I pointed towards a lone Sourz bottle that sat on the counter. Not my proudest moment, but, since Jan didn't seem to care, or even know what it was, I picked it up hastily.

We met in the middle of the store with our finds, ready to go and pay. Bojan gave me a quizzical look when he saw the bottle I was holding, but apart from that, there was little to no reaction from anyone else. I hadn't wanted to seem immature, but clearly Sourz wasn't associated with drunk teenagers on fields in Slovenia as it was over here.

The others had no trouble purchasing their beverages, but of course, I had to be the one to present a problem. The cashier had narrowed his eyes at me as I handed him the bottles, which clinked noisily as I clumsily handled them. 'ID.' he stated, holding out his left hand towards me. In a random off licence? Seriously?

Luckily, since I'd brought my ID with me last night when I met with Jan, I was able to fish it out pretty easily. The man looked it over a few times, almost surprised that it was legitimate, before handing it back to me and telling me my total.

'I can't believe you got IDed.' Jan laughed once we left the store. 'You don't even look young.'

'Nobody over the age of 18 would buy that.' Bojan gestured into my bag. 'You sure you aren't underage?'

'Let's hope not.' Jure cackled.

I'd been called every name under the sun by the time we fell into the apartment, practically collapsing onto the sofas. Only Kris still stood.

'How are you not dead?' I asked him.

'Beer.' He picked up a crate and slammed it onto the table, where all of us, suddenly not weak anymore, scrambled to grab a can, aside from Jure, who had left to put something in his room.

'Pass.' Bojan said lowly to Kris, who threw him a second can. He set one back onto the table, before shaking the other up heavily. He did this for at least twenty seconds, while the rest of us sat in silence. Without saying a word, he stopped the motion and chucked the beer back over to Kris. Almost like nothing had happened, he slotted the can back into the crate, and began to talk to us.

'Jan, get your girlfriend a glass. Fuck knows what was in that shop.' Kris ordered, patting him on the back. 'You're a family man now, take your responsibilities seriously.'

'Yet you still wish you were me.' Jan shot back, getting up and walking towards the cupboard. Kris took his spot.

'Tell me, what happened during that shoot? He can't keep his eyes off you.'

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