Not exactly a hotel

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Our breathing slowed as we finally came out of the haze of the perfect moment. I just leant in and hugged him.

'I want to love you, Lilia Zena.' he spoke softly into my ear. He wrapped his arms around me, encasing me in his hold, making me feel so sheltered from anything out there to hurt me. If the sky caved in right now, I just knew that I would be okay, guided through it by him.

Although I wanted to remain there all night, I knew that I couldn't. Not here.

'I need a hotel room.' I said suddenly, snapping out of my trance, remembering that the world existed.

'I think we should go.' he agreed, taking my hand and leading me towards the table to gather our items. Even now, with his brow furrowed in pensivity, he still looked incredibly charming; it took everything in me not to lean over and feel his lips on mine once more. Restraining myself, I picked up my belongings, and waited for him to lead me to the exit.

'Any ideas?' I asked him. 'I barely come here, I don't know anywhere nearby.'

'We could try my hotel.' he offered, and I nodded in agreement. Being able to wake up in the same building as Jan would be so refreshing; maybe I would invite him out for breakfast together. Drifting off into a drunken daydream, I let Jan walk me to the destination. The journey was quiet; I just enjoyed being with him.

When we got there, we stepped in together. He asked if there were any rooms available; the receptionist shook her head. 'It's high tourist season at the moment - there's barely a room anywhere.'

'Do you know of anywhere with one?'

'Not in the town centre. You'd have to walk a few miles and, even then, there would be no guarantee. I'm sorry.' she said, genuinely feeling guilty at not being able to help us. My face fell slightly.

Jan pulled his phone out of his pocket, walking away from the reception desk. He mock dialled a number, putting the device up to his ear.

'No rooms here, sorry Bojči. Nope, not one. You're going to have to sleep somewhere else.' Je glanced over to the receptionist, ensuring that he was speaking loud enough for her to hear and recognise that we both already had rooms (even though I, of course, didn't.)

I realised what he was doing, and tried to put on a matching expression. Happy? Sad? I didn't know, so I just pretended to look irritated that Jan was spending so much time on the phone. He glanced over towards me and had to turn around to stifle a laugh.

'Hvala, Bojči.' he put down the nonexistent call.

Faking annoyance, he walked back to the desk. 'Come on, love.' he took my hand in his, guiding me towards the lift. Once we were inside, he started his game plan.

'Lilia, I think that you need to go home.' That served as a huge slap in the face. He knew I couldn't go home. Seeing my face, he continued. 'There's no rooms for you, you're going to have to face your parents at some point.'

'They'll ground me.'

'Better now than later.' he shrugged. 'I know how parents work. If you go back now, they'll be over it in a week. The longer you wait, the longer they'll hold it against you for.'

'I want to stay here, with you.' I whined. I didn't know the drink would make me this insufferable and, despite being aware, I couldn't seem to stop it.

'I only have one more thing to offer, then. And it's not exactly a hotel.' He lead me from the lift down the corridor, leading me in the direction of heavy noise. 'You need to prepare yourself. Do you need a minute?'

'Prepare myself for what?'

'Joker Out.'

Shit. The band? I'd put two and two together, figuring that Jan would let me stay with him, but with the band? Anxiety consumed me, and I must've begun to shake lightly, because Jan steadied me.

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