Chapter 50

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"No! This is all wrong! Can you not do a single thing right for gods sake?! I've never met such an incompetent person. Get out of my face before I hit it!" The man yelled from across the large garden Mason, the kids and I were strolling in. I winced at the sight of the poor boy scurrying off while the man let out a deep sigh and looked around.

There seemed to be some sort of photo shoot going on judging by the large studio lights and group of models dressed in the most gorgeous wedding dresses. They were sat under a large shade sipping away on their iced coffees with no care in the world for the huge scene happening before him.

"He looks mean." Elle whispered, afraid he'd hear us even though we were too far away for them to even notice us.

"Maybe he's just a little stressed." I said, smiling down at Elle while Mason and Emerson walked back with four ice cream cones in their hands.

Elle and I decided to sit ourselves down on the warm green grass while Mason and Emerson were on ice cream duty. Emerson had insisted that 'the girls sit down while the "men" go and get the ice cream'. I've been gone five years and my little boy insists on being a 'man' when he refuses to wear any socks that don't have the avengers on, he needs the crust cutting off of his sandwiches otherwise he'll be 'poisoned', and he can't go to sleep before all his superhero teddies are all tucked in and read a bed time story before him. My sweet little man.

"Mommy can we go look at the pretty girls?" Elle asked, swapping our ice cream cones so she could taste mine too.

"Of course we can, but we can't go too close honey we don't want to get in the way." I said, standing up and dusting the grass off of my bottom before taking Elle's hand.

"Where are we going?" Mason asked, standing up with Emerson and following us.

"We're going to watch the pretty girls and you're not allowed." Elle grinned while Mason raised an eyebrow at her.

"And why is that little lady?" He asked.

"Because you're not allowed to look at any girl expect mommy because you're married." She said smugly while I shot Mason a challenging look. I'd love to see him argue with that.

"You are absolutely correct, I'll just turn around then?" He suggested as Elle looked up at me. Nodding my head, she took his hand and pulled him towards the shoot.

"Cmon kiddo." I said to Emerson who was far more interested in his ice cream than the models.

Making our way over to them, we sat down on a bench on the sidelines so we weren't in their way. Elle squealed in excitement as she stared at the models who were getting their picture taken in the wedding dresses. They looked absolutely breathtaking with the golden sun shinning down on them while the gorgeous garden of flowers looked so bright in contrast to the white dresses.

"You!" We heard a loud voice yell making me jump in surprise.

Looking around we saw the same man who was yelling earlier looking in our direction. Turning around, I checked to see if there was anyone behind us and there wasn't. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion I turned back to the man to see him rushing towards us, the same boy he yelled at scurrying behind him holding a clipboard full of papers and a pen, scribbling away.

"Hi?" I laughed awkwardly, glancing over at Mason who was glaring at the man.

"You're perfect, you're exactly what we need." He grinned, stopping in front of me. Holding his hand out for me to shake, I hesitantly took it and shook his hand. "My names Jean Paul, very pleased to meet you. This may seem strange, but you my darling are exactly what we need." He grinned, looking as ecstatic as ever. His strong French accent standing out a lot more than from when he was yelling.

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