Chapter 29

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"Did you get my McDonald's?" She whispered not so quietly as I walked into the room with the paper bag behind my back.

Ben was fast asleep in the armchair and Austin and Aiden were leaning on each other on the couch. Elijah was cursing the phone down when we called him and told him the good news. He was pissed that he was all the way in Las Vegas for a bachelor party instead of in the hospital with us to see his sister.

"You know I did." I winked as she opened her blanket for me to get in before taking the paper bag from me.

Kicking my shoes off, I climbed in the bed with her and covered us with the blanket. She instantly leaned her head on my shoulder as she dug into the fries. Wrapping my arm around her, I held her tight and impossibly closer to me as she expressed her worry for Aiden since he burst into tears when he saw her.

"I think I woke up in another multiverse, since when does Aiden cry! He sobbed like a baby!" She whisper yelled as she offered me a fry.

"Don't worry about it, he was just being a dramatic ass. I bet he was forcing the tears out to make you feel extra special." I chuckled as she rolled her eyes but snorted anyway.

"Dad was being all weird when I asked about my scans. Do you think there's anything wrong?" She asked and I instantly froze. I can't tell her. Call me a coward but I can't tell her, especially knowing thay she'll have a million and one medical questions to ask and I can't make shit up on the spot.

"I'm not sure, love he never said anything." I said, kissing the side of her head.

She didn't look convinced, but she shrugged her shoulders and continued eating. Despite her having her memory back, there's still so much we need to hide from her. What are we going to do when we go home? She'll question why I'm not there or why she's in a completely new house. I can't have the twins around her, or any of the kids for that matter. The real challenge is going to keep up with her memory from five years ago.

"Wheres mine?" Aiden grumbled as he rubbed his eyes and looked over at us. "You fat bitch give me some!" He shrieked as he shot up from the couch and dived for the bag.

He managed to snatch it out of her hands before she had a chance to react and ran off back to the couch with it. She looked at him in complete shock. A single fry in her hand with her jaw dropped as Aiden stuffed his face.

"" She stuttered in shock.

"Me me me what?" He snorted.

Before either of us could blink, she leaped out of bed and charged right at him startling both Ben and Austin awake. She jumped on top of him and started choking him, making him drop the bag while Austin and Ben looked at them both in shock.

"What on earth?" Austin mumbled as he got up and stretched before picking up the paper bag.

While Everly and Aiden continued fighting, neither of them noticed how Austin and Ben both picked up the left over food and finished it off. The three of us looked back and forth from each other to little brawl a couple inches away. Austin and I were holding back our laughs while Ben looked as though he got five new wrinkles and a patch of grey hair just looking at them.

"Aiden grow up!" Ben said in frustration as he pulled the two apart.

"Yeah Aiden, grow up." She said smugly, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Brat." He snapped, bumping his shoulder with hers before sitting back down looking as grumpy as ever.

Skipping back over to her bed, she made herself comfortable under the covers and snuggled up to my side. A happy grin settled on her face despite the fact that her food was entirely gone.

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