"I-I'm sorry.." he said, looking at me apologetically while we stopped infront of the classroom door.

"Nah, it's fine.. I was just a bit drowsy that's all.." I waved it off and he smiled.

"Okay." we entered class and took our seats, I was happy he sat next to me this time.


the whole day was good. but I noticed that every break time we had, Josh just.. disappears..probably watching me secretly since he is my bodyguard.

I was walking to my car when hands covered my eyes.

"let me go!" I struggled but a hand was holding both my hands by the wrist at my back. When I was about to scream, my attacker covered my mouth. leaving it slightly parted, I but him. making himyelp in pain and release me.

"You better freaking release me whoever you are!!! HELP!"

"Aw.. don't be like that.." A deep and unfamilliar voice said, his voice instantly sent shivers down my spine.

I was planning how to get him to release me, but suddenly he did. I turned around, rubbing my wrists, and looked at the guy, I flinched when suddenly, a guy I recognised as Josh punched him square in the jaw, knocking him out. josh grabbed a rope from I-Dont-know where and tird the unknown guy by the wrists at the back.

he dragged the unconscious body and dumped him on the backseat of my car, he then makes me seat at the front while he hopped in with the guy.

"Are you alright?" Josh asked from the backseat.

"Yeah, I'm fine." My voice barely audible. I saw him nod from the mirror and pull out his phone.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. there has been another attempt to kidnapp her." another?

"yes, he atacked her at the parking lot." I kept quiet and I listened to the phone call, straining to hear what my paren't were saying, but no luck.

"No." He said, to a question I didn't hear. His mouth was turning into a thin line. he ended the phone call when we arrived at the police station.

climbing out of the car, he dragged the body out and entered the station, leaving me with Pietro.

I looked at Pietro when He suddenly laughed. "You seem to attract trouble miss."

"call me sheena, and, yeah, I guess I do." I smiled warmly at him and directed my gaze to where Josh had walked off.

I was looking at the window when Pietro's Phone ringed. picking it up he looked to where Josh was and answered to an order.

"Okay, yes. I'll tell her." I looked at him questioningly and he put his phone down.

"He said that we should go ahead. he also said that you'd have to postpone you're painting lessons for today." I frowned at the idea but kept quiet as we drove away.

When I got home I quickly got dressed into a green and gray striped hoodie over a light green tank top and some shorts. walking barefoot, I made my way to the balcony and set up my paints and canvas, I may have been painting for 2 days, or 6 hours, but I'm a fast learner, and Josh is a great teacher.

I painted with all i've got. poured every thing. into my painting, I concentrated on it and only it. I didn't realize I was getting drowsy until I woke up, my face covered in paint, because it seems like I fell asleep on my paints. I quickly checked the time and realized it was already half past 6 I yawned and carried my painting inside, afraid that it might rain and get wet. covering it with some cloth I layed down on my bed and thought about my painting.

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