Episode 09

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It had only taken the fact that he was her oldest living brother, that it being the reason she never jumped him.

Though she had to admit, Elijah was... different in a way that she had always wanted him to be. Her noble brother was so not himself.

She took a glance at him ones more as he was staring at his phone, almost as if Bonnie will magically come out of it, she assumed.

They were both in the foyer as she was seated by the couch facing the stairs with her arm folded on her chest and legs crossed.

Elijah was holding his phone with one hand and a drink in the other by the wet bar.

There was a lot she wanted to iron with him but decided to let it wait whilst focusing on what's important.

"How far with locating Hayley, brother?"

Elijah glared at her, raising an eyebrow.

"I believe, Niklaus is on it." He glared back to his phone.

She rolled her eyes. "With your wife," she emphasized the last words. It was obvious that he texting her endlessly.

He frowned in annoyance. "You saw them, isn't it?"

She snorted. "Sadly no." She stood and took a few feet next to him. "Unfortunately, my neck was broken, having me dead for a while."

When he glared at her, he found her staring with he lips pressed, judgmentally. He sighed as he moved around her, heading for the exit.

"Niklaus wants us to go sight this location," he said while waving his phone in the air, clearly changing the subject. "He and Bonnie have hit a..." Rebekah frowned when he looked down on his phone again. "Nig? It is probably a spelling error."

Rebekah looked away for a moment before deciding to follow him out. She found that he was already holding the passenger door open for her, changing her entire walk as she started modelling to the car without thought. The noble brother could only keep his composure as always.

"Thank you, Elijah," she said cheerfully after taking his hand, using it to take a seat. She felt a rain drop on her hand before he closed the passenger door and was about to not mind it but it's scent captured her attention as she glared at the drop at the back of her hand. "Bloody hell!" she muttered in shock.

"We'll get there," Elijah stated after getting in, "no need to be melodramatic."

If it had probably been nothing, or more than nothing but less than what she is looking at, she would've taken offense. Well, she did, but it will also have to wait.

"Have Nik compelled someone to paint our balconies with blood?" she asked while Elijah stated the car.

"Not that I know of, but I wouldn't put it past the both of you." That had done it for the Original sister, but as she was about to pop off at him after he got the engine running, "What in the heavens in this?"

She followed his sighting which was the his rearview mirror, three drops of blood, dripping. The scent was too heavy for them to miss.

Rebekah quickly got out the car leaving Elijah frowning.

He really wanted all this to be over and get his family back home, as he slowly exited the car hiding his frustrations.

The sky was grey, no, it was silver, he thought as they glared at it. It was a bit cloudy last time they checked, not that they were paying much attention.

"Is it the witches?"

As he was about to respond, blood started pouring from the sky.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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