What's a crash landing between friends?

Start from the beginning

Eventually Ivan had managed to get up and out of the chair; being careful not to move his injured arm, lest more pain knock him off his feet. Overall, considering the situation, he hadn't come out of this too badly. Various cuts and bruises scattered his body, his head wound seemed superficial and nothing else seemed out of place. Apart from his broken arm, something Ivan could tell simply by looking at the angle of his right limb. Or at least glancing at the angle of his arm, since staring at it made him woozy and want to lie down.

Ivan hobbled and groaned his way over to where the first aid kit still remained bolted to a wall, opening it up with his left hand before staring at the single piece of paper that remained inside: instead of the bag of medigel that should have been there. He picked up the paper, reading the note that had been written.

IOU 1 Medigel pack

- Ivan

Ivan groaned and let his forehead bang against the wall in despair. He had been meaning to replace that, after he'd used the last bag of medigel during the 'making popcorn' incident. This wasn't fair, why did Past-Ivan hate him so much, why was he always out to get him and mess up his current life? At least he could take it out on Future-Ivan in return.

You see, Past-Ivan and Future-Ivan were bastards.

For now though, Present-Ivan, the reasonable one, would once again have to clean up their messes and make do with more... primitive forms of medicine, using a tshirt that had been thrown around the room to make himself a simple sling. Every time he moved in the wrong way he wanted to die, but for now this would do. The painkillers he'd manage to get the synthesiser to spit out were also helping quite nicely.

Slowly, Ivan made his way over to the main control panel, the dim array of lights flashing various alarms. Forlornly he attempted to restart the ship, the lights around him dimming for a moment before the main panel just returned to its various warnings, as if stating "Really, you're that dumb you thought you could crash a spaceship then just turn it back on?"

Ok, general status check. He wasn't dying, at least Ivan thought he wasn't dying, all evidence to the contrary. Life support was seemingly still working, and his emergency beacon would be going off, so hopefully ODIN would realise he wasn't where he said he was, track him down and then get help. All Ivan had to really do was wait.

A banging and clattering from outside the ship grabbed his attention, suggesting that his current status was about to change, and probably not for the better. Things tapping on the hull of your ship never ended well, especially in horror movies. Ivan gave a worried look as the banging started again, on the roof of the vessel this time. On the one hand, going out to investigate would probably be stupid? It was the kind of thing that ended with the hero of the movie being eaten or murdered horribly in some way. Only an idiot would go have a look. On the other hand... Ivan did want to make sure it wasn't something terrible, and that kind of thing only happened in movies. Right?

The Terran stood with the helmet of the spacesuit sealed around his neck. Getting the full suit on would be near impossible without copious amounts of agonising pain, but this planet had an atmosphere that probably wouldn't dissolve him, so just creating a breathable air supply should be enough. The plan was simple. Open the airlock, have a quick peek to make sure there was nothing he had to deal with banging on his ship, jump back inside. Maybe have a little explore first...

The airlock door opened with a hiss, showing Ivan two very strange things. The first was an alien landscape. His ship had seemingly crashed into a strange building made of metal, strands of blue and green metallic pipes all forming a structure that reached to the sky. The hole the ship had made on entry gave a view of a large rocky landscape filled with these skyscrapers that flashed and glowed as if water flowed between and along the sides of them, matching up with the purple sky of wherever Ivan had found himself.

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