At least she knocked

Shut up

"Are you ready to come down stairs? The guests are waiting to greet you," she says walking in.

"You look beautiful,"

"Thanks mom," I say and smiling at her but my mom sniffles a bit before wiping her eyes when I realize she's crying.

"Wait, you're crying?" I ask with a small laugh. She nods her head "Yes, I am, you're so grown up and next year you're 18 ready to walk your own path and start your own life with a husband and kids, when it feels like only yesterday you were 6," she says more tears running down her cheeks.

I smile at her "I'm not supposed stay 6 years old forever am I?" Tears sting my eyes. This feeling is so overwhelming that I couldn't help but let one tear at least run down my cheek.

"No, I guess not," my mom smile giving me a huge hug. "It's just I'm not ready to let you go yet,"

"Mom, stop it you're going to make me ruin my make up," I say brushing it off. She chuckles then wipes my tears.

"Just remember no matter how old you're are you're still my baby ok? Let's go," she says giving me her huge smile which flashes her pearly white teeth extending her hand towards me.

I take her hand as we walk out of my bedroom and down the stairs to find our mansion filled with people, left, right and center.

We didn't even reach the last step until people started coming my way greeting me and my mum complimenting me, asking me for dances, asking about school and asking me how I was. You know the usual and oh I almost forgot, wishing me a happy birthday.

So after an whole 3 hours and a half I'm sure I greeted all the people here and went into conversations.

And let me tell you I was freaking exhausted. This is why I hate big events and the fact that this dress squeezes the living life out of me doesn't help either especially when I want to sit down.

I know it's the second time I'm complaining about it but if I was such a spoilt brat I would have rudely demanded a new dress the moment I received this dress.

But I soon snap out of the whatever I was doing when the Grace family come towards me.

Please tell you you already greeted them

I don't think I did

Oh have mercy!

I let out a huge and long sigh before the Grace family stops right infront of me.

Mr and Mrs Grace gives me a warm and huge smile and so does Fiona's older brother Jake unlike Ms prissy right next him.

Instead of a fake smile like she always gives me and a eye roll today she glares at me and scoffs loudly which her brother has to return the same glare back at her.

Mrs Grace shakes her head with a smile saying "Don't bother with Fiona she's just in a bad mood at the moment,"

"Oh no, Mrs Grace I understand it's completely fine," I say politely. When I actually feel like smacking the hell out of Fiona right infront of her parents but of course I can't do that my mom would kill me.

"So are you enjoying the party so far, May-lee?" Mr Grace asks me and before I could answer his question police men and FBI agents come barging into the huge doors of our house woth guns in the air.

"Everybody get down on the round right now!" One of the FBI agents shout. People scream and bend down quickly to get down on the ground.

But I don't get down when the police runs towards my mum and dad arresting them.

I run towards them confused why my parents are getting arrested.

"What are you doing let the go!" I shout grabbing my mum and dad.

"Ma'am I need you to back off right now,"

I shake my head violently try to stop them from arresting my parents.

"May-lee I need you to calm down!" My mom shouts.

My vision is blurry due to the non stop tears running down my face. My mom runs mom grabs the pen and paper on the table next to her writing down something.

"Look, something is happening but I need you to go the this address you can't stay here no matter what, do you understand," my mom says as she shoves the small piece of paper in my hand scribbled one with black ink.

The police officer grabs my moms ands and cuffs her hands behind her back.

"But mom what's happening!" I shout.

"May-lee do you understand under no circumstances will you not go to that address, do you understand!"


"- Do you understand!" I've never seen my mom so angry in her entire life but I knew there was no space left for answers and questions and nod my head watching my mom and dad get dragged away from me in my entire life. And my only question is.

Did they commit a crime?

Hey you guys so this is officially the first chapter of 'Affection'

And I really hope you enjoyed it! Also if you see any errors please feel free to let me know and I will fix it immediately.

Anyways if you guys enjoyed the very first chapter vote and leave a comment on what you think will happen next


- Cassy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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