Chapter 10 - Mownika and Varsha

Start from the beginning

Seeking companionship and a sense of belonging, Mownika ventured into dating some of her classmates. However, she soon discovered that many of them were primarily interested in physical intimacy rather than establishing a genuine connection. It left her feeling used and disappointed.

In an act of rebellion against her parents and the perceived betrayal of her lost love and shattered dreams, Mownika engaged in self-destructive behaviors. Blaming her parents for the pain she endured, she embarked on a path of indulgence, embracing drugs, alcohol, and casual sex.

Alan's tenderness today left Mownika feeling a mixture of confusion and hope. The way he had looked into her eyes and the gentle way he touched her ignited a spark of something deeper within her heart. It felt as though their connection had taken on an emotional dimension.

With each meaningful glance and tender touch, Mownika couldn't help but imagine the possibility of something more profound blossoming between them. Perhaps, just maybe, their bond had the potential to transcend their initial arrangement.

Fiza stayed up late that night, sharing the details of her trip with Shahana and Priya. She intentionally left Alan out of her story as much as she could. As she recounted the events, Shahana couldn't help but express her envy. "You're so lucky," she sighed. "I've been stuck here enduring endless lectures. It's been pure torture."

Fiza then filled them in on the encounter with Abhishek and Alan's unexpected role in it all.

"Wait," Priya said. "So, you and Alan are 'friends' now?" she asked, emphasizing the word 'friends' with playful air quotes. Fiza blushed. The memory of their 'almost-kiss' on the bus replayed in her mind, and she silently acknowledged her gratitude that he hadn't gone through with it. However, a part of her couldn't help but wonder how she would have responded if he had chosen to kiss her.

As Priya's fingers rapidly tapped her phone, Shahana raised an eyebrow and glanced at Fiza. "Hey, Fiza," she said, her tone tinged with concern. "You know people like Alan, right? They can be manipulative and use you. Once they're done, they move on without a second thought."

Fiza shook her head. "I know Alan," she said simply.

Shahana sighed, clearly worried for her friend. "I just don't want to see you get hurt," she replied.

Before the conversation could continue, there was a knock on the door. Varsha entered the room, her eyes scanning the scene. "Did you send an SOS?" she asked Priya.

"Educate her about Alan?" Priya responded in a matter-of-fact way. Varsha sighed and took a seat on Shahana's bed.

"Can we really trust her?" Varsha asked Priya, a hint of skepticism in her voice. "I've seen Fiza spending time with that weasel."

Priya smirked, acknowledging Varsha's point. "I know, but she needs to hear it from someone who's been there," she replied, nudging Fiza playfully. "Go ahead, Varsha, enlighten her about Prince Charming."

Varsha gave Priya a look of pure disgust. "Girl, let me tell you about Alan," she said, taking a seat on Shahana's bed. "He was in my tuition class, and let me tell you, he was the hottest guy there. Smart too. I had seen him at interschool competitions, and damn, he had everyone crushing on him."

Priya leaned in, intrigued. "So what happened?"

Varsha sighed dramatically. "Well, I decided to shoot my shot and ask him out. And you won't believe it, he said yes almost immediately! I was on cloud nine, thinking I had bagged the hottest guy around."

Fiza listened attentively, her eyes wide with curiosity. "And then?"

Varsha paused for effect. "We started hanging out after tuition classes, and let me tell you, things got steamy real fast. Like, he went to second base the very first time we made out! Caught me off guard, I tell you. We were in this thing for about a month, and foolish me, I even told him that I loved him."

Priya gasped. "Oh no. Did he say it back?"

Varsha shook her head sadly. "Nope. That same night, I got a dump text. Can you believe it? Dumped me like I was yesterday's news."

Fiza's heart went out to Varsha. "I'm so sorry you went through that."

But Varsha wasn't done. "Wait, it gets worse. A few months later, I was out with my sister and her friends when Alan randomly joined us. And guess what? My sister's friend called him her boyfriend! Turns out they had been together for over a year, even while he was with me!"

Priya couldn't contain herself. "Oh my god, Varsha! That's beyond messed up."

Varsha shrugged, a mix of anger and hurt in her eyes. "I guess that's just the kind of guy he is. Manipulative and heartless."

Fiza's mind was racing. She couldn't believe that Alan would do something like that.

Yet, there it was, the hard truth staring her in the face.


Author's note

Please note: both characters are adults

What are your thoughts on breaking up over text? Isn't that cowardice? Is there an excuse for that? And don't even start about ghosting.
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