Chapter 15 - Turned on

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Alan looked at her with a mixture of shock and uncertainty. "But Mownika is expecting me," he replied. Fiza wanted to express her concerns about Mownika's influence, but instead, she chose to lighten the mood with a playful remark. "Want me to talk to her?" she winked. "Tell her you're spending the night with me?"

Alan didn't laugh, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "You want to..." he started, his words hanging in the air, as he misunderstood Fiza's intentions.

However, she quickly clarified, laughing, "No! I've told you. I'd have to be in love, to do that." She stared at a far away place out the window.

"You know that feeling when someone you're crushing on touches you and you feel your heart racing and your skin tingling? Well, imagine if that person kissed you. Imagine feeling that kiss all over, from your head down to your toes. And imagine looking at them, knowing deep inside that they're yours, forever. It's like everything else fades away, and it's just the two of you in that moment. That's what I want," Fiza whispered, her eyes reflecting her yearning.

"You're something else," Alan remarked with a smile, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. As Alan settled into his bed, a sense of comfort washed over him. To his surprise, Fiza lay down beside him, pulling the covers over both of them. She turned to face him, her hand gently resting on his chest.

Alan's heart rate quickened at the proximity, his gaze fixed on her. Softly, she whispered, "You know why I decided to be friends with you?"
He looked at her with questioning eyes.

"I saw you pay for the samosas Abhishek had stolen from Mahajan's shop," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "You are a good person, Alan."

Her fingertips traced his jawline, igniting a cascade of goosebumps that danced across his neck. Alan turned towards her, their faces so close that their breaths mingled in the air. With a soft, absent-minded touch, he gently toyed with strands of her hair.

"I'm not," he whispered back, his words carrying a hint of vulnerability. His eyes locked onto hers, searching for understanding and acceptance.

She ignored his denial. "Do you know what else I see?" She continued, her gaze unwavering as she delved into the depths of his soul. A shiver of anticipation raced down his spine, and he was captivated by the intensity in her eyes. "Some one smart, kind, honest..."

His heart swelled with a mix of emotions as her words enveloped him. Tears welled up in his eyes, triggered by the echoes of Aarthy's voice that haunted his thoughts. "Nobody would want more from you than sex. You are rotten on the inside, and if you let someone in, they'll see it too."

Out of overwhelming emotion, Alan sought solace by burying his face in the crook of Fiza's neck. A gasp escaped Fiza's lips, her breath catching in her throat.

Startled by her reaction, Alan swiftly pulled away, concern etched across his face. Fiza sat up, clutching at her chest, her hands trembling, trying to regain her composure through deep breaths.

"I'm sorry," he uttered instinctively, his voice filled with worry. "Did I hurt you?" he asked, his eyes scanning her for any signs of discomfort. Gently, he brushed aside her hair, intending to examine her neck.

"No!" Fiza gasped again, her voice laced with a mixture of surprise and apprehension. "Wait! Don't touch me," she cautioned, her tone holding a hint of urgency.

Alan stood frozen, waiting for Fiza to calm down, his confusion growing with each passing moment. Unexpectedly, Fiza began to laugh, the sound ringing through the air. "What?" he asked, bewildered by her sudden outburst.

Covering her face with her hands, Fiza's cheeks flushed with a tinge of embarrassment. "You... you turned me on," she confessed, her words laden with a mixture of surprise, amusement, and a touch of vulnerability.

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