What is Most Defective?

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The Urus drinks, I still wear minks, we brought on weed, The PJ stinks
- Stormzy

Baj: Yohoho.

Baj: I have tried to do this in chronological order. However, after many breaks and the such i unknowingly started rushing to implement a chapter, hence the beggining of the island exam saga.

Hashimoto: What's your point?

Baj: Let's rewind a tad, I say. Let's go for 2 more segments. Then the ending of the island exam will be exposed. Sounds good?

Albert: Yes. 'The reader will hopefully agree due to my majestic input'

Baj: Sorted. Without further ado, I present:
What is Most Defective?

"May i leave now, Chabashira-sensei?"

Sudō: 'Oh yeah! More Suzune.

Sato: It's kind of strange. To see all of this stuff happening in which we had no idea even occurred.

Inogashira: You can say that again.

"Wait just a moment. There's something i want to talk to you about, Horikita. You two leave first, though."

Chabashira-sensei urged my older brother and Tachibana-san to leave.

Ike: Older brother!?

Shinohara: What!? Why did you never tell us that the Student Council President was your brother?

Sudō: 'My brother in law is cool, huh'

Miyamoto: Now that i think about it... They do share the same surname.

Ryūen: Oh brother. We got a genius over here.

Horikita: 'So, this means that Kiyotaka-kun will see that me and Chabashira-sensei talked about him..'

Sae-chan: 'I need to brace for the enslaught from Chie-chan.'

Once they were gone, she looked deeply interested, crossing her arms before her on the table.

"So. What methods did you use, Horikita?"

Ishizaki: Wait. Is this during the fight between us and Sudō?

Ryūen: Yes. You dolt.

Sudō: Although it was partly my fault, due to my previous attitude, i still don't forgive you asshats!

Horikita: 'It's almost as if he's grown. Slightly.'

"What do you mean?"

"Don't try to dodge the question. They wouldn't withdraw their complaint without a reason, would they?"

Arisu: 'Even back at that stage. Kiyotaka-kun was lurking in the shadows it seems.'

Kamuro: 'She has such a creepy look on her face right now.'

Ryūen: Ishizaki and co. Don't think i've forgotten about this incident.

Ishizaki: ...

"I'll leave that to your imagination."

Sudō: 'My imagination huh.'

Haruki: 'I bet i'm in hers 24/7. Speaking of being in her. I think i'm going to have to drop some masterful game and rizz up my little ice queen.'

We'd fabricated a lie because we were backed into a corner.

Haruki: 'Backed into a corner. Mhm. I like the sound of that.'

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