add a spoonful of sugar.

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The two of you fall into a routine. You make sure to always come an hour early, and Miguel pushes all his meetings to a later hour. It turns out that nobody really minds that decision - all spider people involved love the extra hour of sleep they are now getting.

You never really questioned why he prefers meeting like this. Doesn't he take breaks during the day? Well, he did say he is quite busy.

You voice this question to him a week into your pseudo-daily meetings, just as you're setting up a new sign. You finally put up a plate describing your working days. You usually do three days there, and then three back home. It's technically 6 days a week, but, the time spent on Earth-928 is as much work as it is pleasure.

"So, you only come over 'early' in the mornings." You say as you make sure that the sign is properly connected to your wall. "Is there a reason for that or do you just want to spend some time alone with yours truly?" You wink at him from above your shoulder.

It's so refreshing to have someone close to you like that. The two of you really hit it off, and you honestly can't remember how your life looked without him in it (a bit dramatic, you know). It seemed as if the two of you were each other's missing puzzle pieces. You felt as if you finally had someone worth calling a friend!

You don't know why that thought leaves a sour taste in your mouth. The universe saw your suffering and granted you a companion, what more can you wish for?

"If I could, I would spend every moment of my life with you." He deadpans, and the two of you manage to stay serious for two seconds, before eventually sharing a laugh.

"You're such a charmer." You joke back and join him at the counter. "So, what are you in the mood for today? So far you have tried..." you look at the yellow piece of paper held by a bunch of spider magnets on your fridge. "Wow, you actually tried every single flavor of milk I got here." You squint at the paper, going through your list. "So, what's your final opinion on oat milk?"

"It's...okay. Kinda dry though, definitively not my favorite."

"What's your favorite then?"

"Sigh, not to be 'basic', but I think I like the normal milk just fine." You snort at his usage of the word. Miguel's been picking up on some of your vocabulary. He said it in the right context, it's just... he sounded so silly when he did. "Laugh at me all you want, I won't change my mind."

"Whatever you say." You scoot closer to him and prop your chin on your hands. "So, what are your plans for today?" Hearing you mention actual work, Miguel groans in frustration. "Oof, that bad?"

"Nothing major, it's just Spider-Ham's dimension. Physics over there are all messed up and every time we send someone, they end up doing more harm than good." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "But he requested assistance, so he'll get it."

"He's the one from the cartoon dimension, right?" He nods. "Can't imagine how wacky-"

You get cut off by someone calling your name.

You and Miguel both turn and see the source of the noise plus his loyal companions.

Great, you think, the kids came early.

"Oh, hello Mr. O'Hara." Says Pavitr, polite as ever. Hobie says nothing and Gwen just gives him a little wave. "We didn't think we'll see you here."

"Yeah? And why are you here, then? Can't you see it's closed?" He looks at them, unimpressed, and you try not to call him out on the fact that by this logic, he shouldn't be here either.

"I don't follow their schedule. I'll come here when I see fit." Shoots back Hobie, and the three teens huddle together in front of the counter. Miguel gets pushed away from his spot and scowls.

𝑪𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 [✔] {Miguel O'Hara x Gender-Neutral!Reader} Where stories live. Discover now