Chapter 4: Professor Werewolf

Start from the beginning

Adjusting her glasses, she gestured between the pair. "Mr Lupin, meet Miss Sandy Reese. Miss Reese, this is Remus Lupin, one of the Gryffindor prefects in your year. She's starting at Hogwarts today, and requires guidance through the castle. Accompany her to her classes for the next week, or longer, until she knows her way." Then, she searched through the parchments on her arms, and pulled out one towards him. "Also, here's you're schedule. Should I expect your imbecilic, troublesome friends to arrive for theirs soon?"

Remus' lip twitched at the name calling. It was always amusing when McGonagall made a comment about the quatret- or anyone else for that matter. She had a funny way of choosing her words. Additionally, everyone knew that behind her stern face was an unusually strong motherly figure everyone loved. And, sometimes, even a little mischief shined through her armour. "They're sleeping in a bit, but should be here shortly. Also, I'd be happy to help."

"Good. Then, get to it. I believe you both have plenty of classes in common, so, it should not be much trouble for you." With that, she walked away to hand other Gryffindor's their schedules for the year. 

"Its nice to meet you- Sandy Reese, was it?"

"Yes. You too, Professor Lupin." She internally grimaced at her slip up. He wasn't a professor. Not yet. In fact, if she messed up, he possibly could never become one. "I-I mean Remus Lupin. Hi. Also, you don't have to walk me to classes- I know the way already."

His first instinct was to chuckle at her stuttering. Professor Lupin, now that sounded nice, in his mind. If only. Regardless, he shook the idea nearly immediately out of his head. Someone like me could never. "Its no trouble," Remus insisted, knowing well (or believing the true reason) why she was rejecting his aid. She didn't want to be a bother. That, or it was his scars. However, as soon as that thought entered his mind, he became conscious of something- of the way she was looking at him. Most importantly, of the way she wasn't looking at him. Her eyes didn't scan his facial scars, and there was no disgust nor apprehension in her face. In fact, there was something there that oddly enough resembled respect, as well as caring. How- why? That makes no sense. She doesn't know me. "Let me check your schedule. If we really have similar classes, this really won't make a difference."

After Remus gently took the parchment from her hands, he scanned it over, comparing it to his. All the while, Sandy remained silent, trying not to think about his dead body besides Nymphadora's. He died on the very same day she travelled from. Her lips quivered slightly, before pressing them together firmly to stop their tremors. Sandy could not allow him to see. "I'm sure you'd rather be with your friends instead." And, then there was that. Getting to know younger Remus meant meeting the other three- James Potter (a.k.a. Harry's deceased father), Sirius Black (a.k.a. Harry's deceased godfather, whom she had witnessed dying), and Peter Pettigrew (a.k.a. the bloody rat). 

The teenage boy, however, was completely oblivious to the trainwreck Sandy hid behind her facade. Instead, he returned the schedule to the new girl, and proceeded to gesture to a hallway. "She's right. We have almost all classes together- even the electives. We have charms first. Its this way. Come on." 

Reluctantly, she followed. What else was she supposed to do? As she did so, Sandy tried to question her mind 'What would Hermione do?'. Surely her (technically still unborn) cousin would know what to do. She was incredibly smart, and always had a way out of trouble. There were many days she wished to be more like her, and today was one of them. Why couldn't Hermione have been the one that time-travelled? She'd handle this better than me. In fact, she was able to use a time-turner without accidentally time-travel, or disintegrate it

Beside her, the tall, lanky brunette walked, glancing at her once or twice. Although he generally enjoyed silence, as well as the excuse to not talk to others, something in his soul recognized that he'd come to like this girl. That she was alright. "So, I hear you've come from Australia, is that true?" That earned him a silent nod, making him rather awkward. In fact, he was second guessing his thoughts on her- on his scars, because of it. Then again, overthinking things regarding people's behaviour about his unusual appearance was second nature to him. Could he trust his doubts? Even that was something to be dubious about. "That must be hard. Moving across the world and to a new school." He still received silence. It then occurred to him that he had not asked a question that time. Why did he want her to talk, he didn't know. But, if he wanted to be successful, he'd have to ask something that could not be followed by neither 'yes' nor a 'no'. "What's your favourite class?"

"That would be Charms. But DADA and Care of Magical Creatures are close too." Seeing his reaction to her answer, a look of joy in his eyes, Sandy decided to try to converse a little. From her understanding, she knew that he had struggled with hiding his lycanthropy at school, and that he had few friends because of it. Mostly because he didn't want others to find out, and therefore didn't let many in. If he was trying to make small talk, she couldn't discourage him too much. It could affect his self-esteem quite badly, and he was one of the good guys. In fact, he had been one of her two favourite professors, and one of the people she liked most in the world. "How about you?"

His pearly whites were exposed with his radiant smile. It was as if he felt accomplished by getting her to talk, even if her words were merely above a whisper. "DADA and Care of Magical Creatures are my top too. But, I love Charms and Transfiguration also, as well as Study of Ancient Runes."

"Is there anything you don't like?" A mocking (in a playful manner) tone followed with a chuckle, at his long list of favoured Hogwarts subjects. To be fair, she felt somewhat similar. Everything magic was so fascinating, specially for a Muggle-born such as herself. 

"Potions. I suck." He didn't need a second to think about it. His friends were better at the subject. In fact, during the summer, they had achieved a rather complicated potion- all to help him. Remus... He didn't know how to feel about them becoming Animagi for him. Specially unregistered. However, their efforts did warm his heart. Not even his parents had gone to such extend. Sure, they had tried to find a cure, which had not been a small task. But no one other than his friends had proposed to method (and followed through) to keep him company during a full moon, much less with the intention of doing so perpetually. "Also herbology. I mean, how do you even keep plants alive? I certainly don't know how. Also, I could do without History of Magic. Its informative, sure, but why must exams exist? And you? Any subjects you particularly hate their existence of?"

"I too cannot seem to keep plants alive to save my own. Astronomy and Transfiguration are a bit of a challenge. As for Divination I don't even bother."

"It wasn't in your schedule."

"Exactly." Her response made him let out a short laugh. By then, they had already reached their charms class, just as a few other students had. "Anyways, thanks, for, you know, walking me here and all. I should probably go and take a seat. It was nice meeting you, Prof- Lupin!" With her ears turning as red as one of her house's colours, she practically ran away, not wanting to mess up further. 

All the while, Remus was left there, standing, on his own. He kept his eyes her way, and tilted his head to the side, trying to decipher the odd girl. Something about his soul called out that he knew her. Perhaps in another life, he thought. Remus didn't know how long he stood there, watching her pull out her things from her satchel. It wasn't until he heard his friends entering the class, making comments and chortling at each other's jokes that Remus moved his focus away from the new girl. With a shake of his head, and shrugging off the weird feeling of knowing her, he walked towards the rest of the Marauders


N/A: What are you thoughts on the story, so far? Feel free to be honest. And, if you see any misspellings or grammatical errors that I may have missed, you can point them out if you want. English is not my first language, hahah

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