thread of gold tied me to you

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As Naruto walked into the beautifully decorated ballroom, he was struck by the dazzling sight of glittering chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings, casting a warm glow over the room. The walls were draped in luxurious fabrics, adorned with intricate patterns and sparkling jewels. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of exotic flowers and the soft melodies of classical music.

Kushina had outdone herself, the way this ballroom had come to life tonight made it seem like a ghosted place on any other day.

The guests were dressed in their finest attire, each person a vision of elegance and sophistication. Women floated around in their flowing kimonos, sparkling with sequins and jewels, while men strutted in their sleek haoris, all showing off their clan colors.

At the center of the room was a raised platform, where a live band played music. The orchestra was playing soft and soothing music, subtle enough for Naruto to still be able to hear the faint whispers and giggles of the couples as they danced.

Naruto watched the couples swayed in perfect harmony, their movements graceful and fluid, as if they were one. They glided across the dance floor in a slow and steady waltz, lost in the moment and the music. The sound of their footsteps echoed throughout the ballroom, and he suddenly felt the absence of a partner.

Not that Naruto was alone at any given moment.

Naruto attracted crowds like no one else. One could blame his royal standing, but even other royals did not seem to be this hounded by the guests. Ideally, the omega would have liked to stand on the fringes of their ballroom, observing people from afar. He would have been content in watching, however, he doesn't mind this all that much. After all, the festivities are in his name.

Naruto had been dressed exceptionally in a dress he inherited from his grandmother through Kushina. It had been one of the ancient Uzumaki kimonos and Naruto carried it like it was made for him. It was a deep shade of sea blue, golden thread intricately sewn to create depictions of cherry blossoms to dragons. Each image told the story of their clan. Small glistening beads hung from the borders. The obi accentuated Naruto's body, giving him elegance.

This kimono wasn't a garment, it was a work of art.

However, the whole time getting ready, all Naruto could think of was Sasuke's reaction to him. Would he like it? Would he like that Naruto chose dark colors for such a special occasion in his life?

His questions had been haunting him for too long, with each tick of the clock he would glance at the ceiling-high gates, waiting for Sasuke to grace them with his presence. It hadn't been long since the festivities started, and a trip from Konoha wasn't quick.

But was it too much for Naruto to ask for Sasuke to show up quickly for his birthday?

At that moment, it felt like the gods had finally shown him mercy, he caught a whiff of Sasuke's scent before spotting him and that is all it took for the omega to stiffen and shiver with anticipation.

For Sasuke, spotting Naruto was never too difficult because the blonde drew him in like the sun. Sometimes, it was almost impossible to look directly at that brightness, though Sasuke was a brave man.

Blonde hair cascaded down the omega's back, tiny pieces of sapphire reflected back all the light in the ballroom and those eyes were so deep and so blue, it felt like the endless sky.

Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world stopped spinning. Sasuke felt an electric current pass through his body, and he knew that he was lost. He had known it for quite some time now. He couldn't take my eyes off Naruto, and he could tell that the omega felt the same way. They walked towards each other, a gravitational pull that either didn't seem capable of denying.

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