Part 1

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Dream POV:

Sapnap was out caring for littles as he is a caregiver.

Me, Karl and George streamed earlier, we wanted to have a chill day so I ran into George's room first and barged in "do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked "fine depends which one" "ok I'll get Karl."

I ran into Karl's room and shouted "come watch a movie with me and George" he just stared at me, "fine" he sighed and got up.

We were all on the sofa arguing about what movie genre to watch. I wanted to watch comedy, George wanted to watch horror and Karl didn't mind as long as it wasn't horror.

"Ok guys just put two movies you wanna watch in a small tub and I'll pick the paper out." Karl said "fine" me and George both replied.

(I don't know any comedy stuff so if u know any just pretend Dream wrote them down) I wrote '_______' and '______' while George wrote 'conjuring' and 'scream 1'

Conjuring was one of George's favourite movies and he wanted to start watching all the scream movies.

"Ok put your choices in the tub" me and George put them in the tub and Karl shook it then picked one movie out.

Annoyingly scream 1 got chosen (I've never watched it tbh lol) "Let's get some snacks"George said happily.

Third person POV:

The three of them got some snacks and while they did Sapnap walked through the front door "what are you guys doing" he asked "we were about to watch scream 1" George answered in excitement as Dream was happy that George was happy.

"Can I watch it with you guys" "yeah just get some snacks" dream replied

Sapnap grabbed some gummies and sat down next to his boyfriend. Karl leaned his head on Sap's shoulder and he put his arm around Karl.

George had his legs up on Dream's lap and he was leaning the arm rest.

They have been watching the movie for a while now and Karl
was starting to slip, he hasn't regressed in a while because of being with his friend and boyfriend which made it worse. He didn't wanna tell his friends he was a little even Sapnap and he was a caregiver.

He didn't wanna tell them because it would be awkward, plus he didn't want to tell them incase baby him even when he was big.

He was scared of horror movies which made him wanan be little even more. He was too distracted with the fuzzy feeling so he couldn't hear them asking if he was ok.

Karl realised they were talking to him so he looked up and they asked if he was ok. Karl nodded his head and they pressed play on the movie.

Karl grabbed his blanket which was on the floor and put it around him and Sap, he thought of regressing but he didn't want to do he just chewed his sleeve while being cuddled into Sapnap and the blanket.

There was a jumpscare which made Karl want to cry so he wrapped both of his arms around Sapnap and blinked his tears away.

"Hey are you ok?" Sapnap whispered into Karl's ear so Dream and George wouldn't hear. "N- yeah Im good" Sapnap lifted Karl's chin up "why were you crying, hmm"
"T- too 'ary" Karl said slurring his words, beginning to slip even more.

Karl sucked on his thumb and was fiddling with His boyfriend's fingers.

Sapnap was wondering if he was a little because he was slurring his words and sucking his thumb.

"Hey are you feeling little?" Sapnap asked Karl looked at him worryingly, he got up and ran into his and Sapnaps bed room, making George and Dream stop having a conversation "what happened is he ok" dream asked concerned "he's fine I'm gonna go up and talk to him."

Sapnaps POV:

I went upstairs to check on my boyfriend and I heard crying from the other side of the door. "Karl are you ok baby?" I asked hoping he was ok.

I opened the door to find him curled up in a ball on the floor with his thumb is his mouth.

"Shh your ok come here, you can regress it's fine." He sat on my lap and I kissed his fluffy hair. He finally calmed down and I asked "do you have any pacifiers/dummys or any bottles" "ony two pacifier/dummys an' ons bo'lle" . "Do you wanna go back down bub?" He nodded his head.

I picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder.
I grabbed a paccy/dummy and a bottle and went into the kitchen.

I made him warm milk because he seems tired.

I carried him back into the front room and put him on my lap facing me and I gave him the bottle.

'What happened?' George mouthed I put my pointer finger up to tell him to wait until he's in bed. He nodded and went back to look at the movie. It only had 15 minutes left.

Karl was sleeping so I went up to our bedroom once again and lied him down while I kissed his forehead.

I went back downstairs and Dream asked "is he ok" "yeah he's ok just found out he's a little" I chuckled " atleast it was nothing bad." George said "yeah" me and Dream agreed.

When it was over we all went up into our rooms and slept.

Dream team + little Karl (agere)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora