"Alright I'll show you but can you show me first what you're money looks like?"C/N asked "Yes of course"UN said while everyone show their type of money and said how much are they,even the coins in every country were shown.

For C/N he only saw the money as paper while the coins are fake silver and gold,both of the money and coins was only painted/printed he thought.

"It's only paper and the coins are fake,it's only made of paper and printed it while the coins are fake silver and gold that was only painted"C/N said,that causes everyone to look at him except for his children "Umm,of course,the money is indeed only made of paper got printed,and the coins as well are of metals such as nickel, copper, and we use enamel paint to add color to a coin and, to make the enamel glow, we add a special powder to the mix. This means that the color of the enamel can be any color you like, but when the lights are out, it will glow. And yes it's only fake,it's not real at all."Germany said.

"Not real?"C/N said while thinking"Does that mean I have to change my money making in my country?,if I actually added myself to the other countries?"C/N asked "What do you mean?Is there something wrong with you're money in you're country?" Japan Empire said.

After a bit of silence Asean sigh and asked "Can you show us what you're money look like in you're country" "of course" C/N said as he pulls some coins he said "we have different kind of money" he said and he revealed it, everyone in the car fell silent except for his children chattering can only be heard.

This is what you're money looks like:

C/N:"This is our coins look like and the most expensive that we have are maid of crystal and we have a different kinds of crystal,so first I'm gonna show all our crystal that we used"

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"This is our coins look like and the most expensive that we have are maid of crystal and we have a different kinds of crystal,so first I'm gonna show all our crystal that we used"

As he said that he signaled Cerus to grab his luggage to pretend that he was getting the things from his luggage,Cerus quickly grab a luggage underneath his seat and this make the countryhuman even more confused.

"How do you have you're luggage?,I thought you all gave you're luggage to the butlers/servants?"UN asked,they all looked at you and you're children for an answer,you're children don't know how to answer the question but luckily they have a smart father like you.

"Oh we didn't give all our luggage to them we took 1 luggage because that's where all our valuable are and we don't want them to take" C/N said "That is true considering about what you said that the luggage has some crystal in them,some with bad intentions will take it"ASEAN said *ohhh how smart he is,I need to be careful to what I say when I'm Infront of this organization*C/N thought.

"Well this is our crystals"C/N said

This is you're crystals looks like:

This is you're crystals looks like:

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