"Mau tak? Dah la berani tegur-

"Dah, diam. Korang kena prepare untuk malam ni. Kita ade banyak tugas 2 minggu ni..." The Kapla smirk as she unbuttoning her blazer...

...Later that night...

After the whole bullying thing, Ayam is ignoring both Ikhsan and Fakhri. Ikhsan thought about leaving the school as he afraid that many other people will get in trouble with Kahar because him. At the same night, Ayam told both of them the history of High Council.

Fakhri sigh in frustration then said. "Sampai kiamat la kitaran sial ni." "Yes, unless ade Kapla yang akan gunakan KeKaplaan dia untuk stop this once and for all...but c'mon Fakhri. Orang masuk pilihan raya sebab ape? Kuasa so dia boleh buat ape yang dia suka..." Ayam is pointing out to Kahar through his word.


"Woi! Korang buat ape situ...jom la, Kahar panggil kita semua kottt. Penat aku cari korang." A Chinese boy named Jay, finally found them after searching the whole dormitory.

"Ha? Pasal ape pulak niii haduhhh." Ikhsan whine as Ayam drag him, with Fakhri following them from behind.

As usual they will stand according to their sport house (Tuah, Lekir, Lekiu and Kasturi). On the stage, the boys could see Kahar and his friends is standing with their shirt tuck-in and their hands on their back.

"Psstt Kahar? Asal kita kena tuck-in jugak ni? Kita kan ade lesen? Kita High Council kot." Fahmi whisper to his leader. "Lesen tu takde nilai dekat orang yang kita jumpa malam ni...simpan je la untuk 2 minggu." Kahar whisper back without looking at him.

Suddenly, the main door on the right side of the hall open. A group of girls step inside with cocky expression...they seems familiar to the boys. The girls stand on the stairs, to give the boys a better view to look at their faces.

"Assalamualaikum form 4, form 5!" The Female Kapla greet with a loud and strict tone. "WA'ALAIKUMUSSALAM" All of the boys reply with the same energy.

"Hmmm...not bad. Mesti korang semua tertanya-tanya...pahal ade budak perempuan kat sekolah korang...dari mana dia orang ni datang..." She say as she walk downstairs.

"Actually KUDRAT memang ade 2 sekolah...tapi pelajar dari kedua sekolah sebenarnya tidak dibenarkan berjumpa. Tapi kuasa terjatuh ditangan yang salah..5 tahun lepas, High Council dari kedua buah sekolah telah bersetuju untuk membubarkan peraturan ini."

She continue again. "Tapi peraturan tu dibubarkan khas untuk student High Council sahaja so tak adil. Jadi dengan kuasa yang aku ada, aku tarik balik dan buat peraturan baru. Lelaki dengan perempuan masih boleh jumpa tapi...mesti ada pertalian darah, tak pon cousin." "Now...aku akan perkenalkan team High Council aku." She got back up on the stage.

"Team aku ada 5 orang...Arissa, Uraissa, Ayuni dan Sofya.....

DAN AKU KHAIRUNISA...KAPLA HIGH COUNCIL BELAH PEREMPUAN...di atas persetujuan diantara pengetua dan Kapla korang...2 minggu ni...KUDRAT KITA ORANG YANG PUNYA..." She smirk as she says each word.

The boys look up to Kahar in shock and disappointed, especially his friends while Kahar try his hardest to keep his posture and face straight. Lots of question is running through the boys mind, what, why, how?

"Mana boleh perempuan yang lead lelaki, patutnya lelaki yang lead perempuan!" One of the boys try to protest.

Nisa ignore him and continue. "Dibawah penjagaan aku...untucked akan diharamkan, begitu jugak dengan lesen, manifesto, pilihan raya, merokok or any thing yang korang biasa buat..." Kahar know exactly that she will do as she says so he pretty nervous.

Fakhri and Naim are looking forward to what she will do to tame these wild animal...and they're intrigued by her aura too...

The next day:

A sound of siren echoes the hallway and all the boys wake up in shock. "Sila pakai baju melayu dan kain pelikat untuk solat subuh. Terima kasih." Nisa turn off the speaker and walk away to wake up the other student.

"PEBENDA SIA! BELUM AZAN SUBUH LAGI!" Ayam lazily get up from his bed after ranting. All of them immediately walk toward the bathroom, still half asleep.

At the canteen, Nisa is holding a foldable rod while monitoring the whole place. It caught the school canteen chef, Mia who's keep staring at Nisa from afar.

"Aku ingat sekolah ni lelaki je ade, pahal ade betina terlepas dua ekor ni?" Mia turn to look at her friend, who just shrug off her shoulder indicating that she too, doesn't know why.

Kahar is surprise by the sudden change of the boys student behavior...but probably only putting on an act in front of her. But he know, Nisa is not a stupid girl.

"Siapa yang dah habis makan, cepat pergi ke kelas, yang belum, cepat sikit. Aku bagi extra 5 minit." Nisa head toward the hallway where it leads to the class and stand there.

"PERGH...ade setengah jam lagi kot sebelum kelas start. Asal awal sangat ni?" Zahrin whining and take a sip of his water.

"Kalau kau nak kena belasah dengan dia, langgar la arahan dia. Sebab aku tak nak." Kahar put away his plate and walk straight to the class, leaving his friend baffled.

"Something else dia perempuan ni. Dia boleh tundukkan kita punye High Council in a blink of an eye! Dia ade saka ke dowh.." Ayam joked out, Fakhri immediately cut him off. "Dah la, nanti by kita pulak yang lambat. Jom." The trio put away their plate and walk to their class.

During the class, Puan Faniza could see Nisa is pass by the class with her usual rod in her hand while monitoring the class. Puan Faniza decided to call her in.

"Do you need my help Teacher?" Nisa ask while standing straight. "Well, I was wondering what are you doing here...aren't you supposed to be in class?" She ask Nisa in polite way.

"Due to the recent case of bullying, the principal had to assign me to take care of these boys...you know my reputation very well Teacher. May I excuse myself?" Puan Faniza nod her head.

Once again, Naim and Fakhri couldn't get eyes off Nisa's figure whenever she's in their view. Puan Faniza clear up her throat to get their attention and they focus on class again.


"Kalau High Council kena jaga belah lelaki, habis belah perempuan siapa nak jaga?" A girl ask her friend. "Lah, dia orang kan 5 orang, 2 orang jaga budak lelaki, 3 jaga budak perempuan. Nisa memang sah jaga budak lelaki all the time, kita yang pengawas ni kena la tolong ish kau ni...


Nurin sigh in frustration and throw herself on the bed. Her friend, Amilia sit on the edge of her bed then ask. "Wey Nurin...kau ade adik ke eh? Sebab aku ade jumpa budak yang nama bapak dia sama dengan kau.." Nurin look at her friend and immediately sit up.

"Baru sekarang kau nak bagi tau aku?!" She run toward her closet, change her cloth and walk out of the room without letting her friend says anything.

"Nyesal pulak aku bagi tau dia..." Amilia said to herself whole staring at the door...


"Sedihhh aku tengok.." Both Fakhri and Ayam watches Ikhsan parent's car, drove away. Fakhri let out a tired sigh. "Sampai bila kita nak hidup macam ni eh?" "Dua tahun je lagi, sabar la~" Ayam reply to his question nonchalantly.

"Kau cakap Kapla je yang boleh bubarkan High Council ni..betul?" Fakhri ask Ayam and he nod his head.

...."Apa yang patut aku buat untuk masuk pilihan raya ni eh..." Fakhri ask himself and Ayam remove a strand of his hair elegantly as he look at Fakhri in shock...but slowly nod his head, agree with Fakhri decision...

To be continue...

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