The Watchman of the Underworld

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"Actually, is Grim awake yet?" The Pomefiore housewarden said, looking at the feline.

(Y/n) had gone to Grim, picking him up, but her eyes widen, tearing up, "He's not breathing!"

"Grim was in the Underworld far longer than any of us. I'm not surprised he's been hit harder"

Rook walked up, "Hm..."  He crouched down, "May I examine him, please?"

She nodded.

He put his head closer to Grim small chest, "He's not breathing, but he does have a pulse." He opened their mouth, "Hm? What's this? There's something stuck in his throat." He looked at the girl, "(Y/n)! Turn Grim on his stomach and make sure his head's lower than his chest."

The said girl did as told.

"Now give him a good smack on the back! Put some oomph into it. Keep going until he breathes!"

She hit Grim's back, trying to dislodge the item in his throat.

"And call his name as loud as you can!"

"Grim!" She called out, tears streaming down as she kept hitting him.

Grim soon coughed and hacked, "Wah!" He said, as something flew out his mouth.

"He coughed something up!" Epel said, as the feline continued to cough.

"Excellent work, (Y/n)!" He smiled, as he looked at the one in her arms, "Grim, take deep breaths!"

Grim opened his eyes slightly, huffing and letting out a cough, "Uuurgh..."

The lilac haired male cheered, "Yes! He woke up!"

He teared up, as he looked at her, "(Y/n)...(Y/n)...I'm one lousy boss..."

The said girl smiled, wiping his little tears as she cried herself, "You're okay...Let's go home to Ramshackle."

"(Y/n)...Shoto...I'm sorry for scratchin' you...I'm sorry, (Y/n), Shoto..." He sniffled.

She shook her head, "It's not your fault."

"Can I go back to school again...? And to Ramshackle?"

Shoto walked up, smiling softly at the feline, nodding, "Of course. You belong with us."

"Of course you can. You, (Y/n) and Shoto are a package deal." Epel smiled, "I'm sure Ace and Deuce are waiting for you too."

Grim then let tears stream down, "M...M...Myaaah!" He threw his small arms around the girl, hugging her.

Vil smiled, "Unbelievable. He ate something off the ground even in dire peril, and then choked on it? What an incorrigibly voracious monster."

"I'm sure Grim will be fine. Now we just have to find a way to get Vil back to normal..." Rook said.

"Our systems are in shambles. We're not gonna be able to treat any of you here. Sage's Island has world-class medical facilities. And they should have all your medical records, so...let's just get you all back to school." Idia said.

"We're restored communication with the outside. We'll prep a technomantc aircraft for takeoff." A researcher said over the device.

"And, uh...the River Lethe?"

"We still don't have a full picture of everything from our crash reports, but...Ortho deleted the River Lethe's configuration program. He apparently set some Charons to termination mode and destroyed it completely—both the hardware and software." A female said.

His eyes were widen, "He did what...?"

"At present, we can't give you an ETA on how long it will take to restore it."

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