Asshole (Aether x Sodo)

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A/N: I can't take this title seriously💀
Type: A bit of angst
It's been a week since the new quintessence arrived. Aether is about to leave in 2 days. Sodo didn't take the news very well. He was very pissed about it. So pissed that he was being an asshole to him. Everyday, he would pick on him. He would make rude comments about how he shouldn't be in the band. How he's not gonna make the band any better. Then one day, Phantom had the guts to tell Aether everything that happened.

"SODOMIZER." Aether shouted out. Sodo turned around to see a pissed Aether and a crying Phantom. Aether told Phantom to go his room and he'll talk to them there. He agreed then left.

Aether snapped.

"I don't know..!" Sodo was genuinely afraid. He has never seen Aether this mad.

"Well there's got to be something! What makes you think you could just be an asshole to him?!"

"I just don't like him.."

"Why not!?"

"Because he's replacing you!" Sodo yelled

"He's not replacing me! I'm actually leaving. The clergy said they didn't need me anymore. Which gives me time to focus on myself and work on my other projects."

"But why!"

"Because you've been giving me a hard time! Always getting mad at me, always attacking me, always biting me. I could never get the time for myself because I always have to handle your bullshit!" Aether pointed a finger on Sodo's chest. "You might just be the primary reason why I'm leaving,"

Sodo's face softened with hurt.

"I always believed there was something nice in you. Turns out I was wrong, you're always going to be a fucking asshole. If you'll excuse me, I have more stuff that need to be fixed." Aether nudged Sodo roughly, walking to Phantom's room. Sodo walked back into his room. He sat on the floor against his bed. He thought about everything Aether said. Was he really the reason he was leaving? Was Aether really tired of him? All those thoughts just made him want to cry. He liked Aether so much. All the teasing and biting is just his way of showing affection. He didn't mean to hurt Aether. He knew he fucked up bad. He has never made Aether so angry.

Aether went in Phantom's room and sat next to him.

"Look, fuck what Sodo said. He's always like that. Trust me, he bullied me when I first met him. You'll get used to it soon. I'll talk to Sodo about this too. Plus, you have all the other band members you can talk to. They'll have your back in case Sodo does anything wrong. I know you're going to do great for this tour." Aether gave Phantom a big hug.

"Thank you so much," Phantom hugged Aether tightly.

"You're welcome," Aether gave him a little head rub before leaving. Aether exited out Phantom's room. He looked at the fire ghoul's closed door. He sighed, now feeling bad about yelling at him. Aether knocked on his door. There wasn't a response.

"I'm coming in now, okay?" Aether warned him as he slowly opened the door. He saw the fire ghoul sitting against his bed. He had his head resting on his knees.

"Sodo?" Aether called out softly.

Sodo looked up at him, his tail started flicking up and down in nervousness. Aether's heart dropped when he saw the tear stains on the fire ghoul's cheeks.

"Aether.. I'm... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Sodo bawled. He covered his face with his hands, not wanting Aether to see him cry. "I was so angry! I thought he replaced you! You know I'm not okay with change! I'm afraid that.. he was going to take all the attention and leave me to rot,"

"But he isn't like that at all," Aether said, sitting next to the fire ghoul.

"I know! I always jump into these stupid conclusions! I'm so sorry, Aether! Please.. don't leave because of me! All the times I've been rude to you! That was just the way I show my affection towards you! I know it's weird and insane but—it did seem like I treated you like shit! But you've dealt with me for s-so many years! Don't push me away now! I don't want to lose you! Oh please please please.. forgive me! I'll figure out a better apology for Phantom soon! I just— can't right now!" Sodo sobbed.

Aether brought the fire ghoul into his lap. He hid Sodo's face in his chest. Sodo continued to sob.

"I know, I know," Aether cooed, petting Sodo's head. "Ignore everything I said back there. Of course I'm not leaving because of you. I was just mad. I know that you didn't mean to hurt me during all those times. I'm really sorry for what I said, but you just got to learn how to handle newcomers. They're already nervous and you treating them like an ass wouldn't help. Not everyone is automatically mean. You just need to give them a chance. Will you please try your best to befriend him? I promise you, he's a really nice ghoul. He won't ever do anything to hurt you or the others."

Sodo only nodded quickly.

"Come on now, please stop crying, I hate it when you cry.. it's nothing like you," Aether pulled him closer and rubbed his back. "Here.. how about for today, we will go work on an apology for Phantom. After that, I'll spend my final days with you. Does that sound good?"

"Y-yes," Sodo wiped his tears.

Aether smiled and hugged the fire ghoul.

"I'm not really the reason you're leaving... right?"
Sodo gripped onto him.

"Oh, Sodo, not at all. I'm very sorry for saying all those things. I truly don't mean it," Aether gave him a kiss on the head.

"I'm gonna miss you..."
Sodo gripped onto him, tighter.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Dewdrop"
Aether hugged Sodo closer.

"Heyyy, that name is old now," Sodo complained, looking up at him.

"Well, you're always going to be my little Dewdrop," Aether gave him a kiss on the lips this time. Sodo rolled his eyes before returning the kiss.

"Now, let me teach you how to apologize,"
Aether giggled.

"Sounds good," Sodo smiled.

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