Wounded (Sodo x Aether)

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Type: Hurt/comfort

Aether had been walking around the church doing his own thing peacefully without being attacked by that monstrous fire ghoul. The fire ghoul was no where to be seen. Aether enjoyed having the day to himself for a little awhile. Until Sodo hadn't showed up for lunch. Aether was a little quite concerned. Sodo was always in the mood to eat. When Aether went to check up on Sodo, He wasn't in his room. Aether went back to the dining room and asked,

"Have any of you guys seen Sodo?"

"No, not at all," Mountain responded.

Copia spoke up, "He told me he was going to be out with my brother's ghouls,"

Aether was filled with relief as he continued to eat. After that, Aether spent the majority of his time with Rain and Swiss. He has to admit that he actually does miss Sodo's mischievous presence.

-Time skip-

Sodo has been gone all day. No sign of him coming back from wherever he has gone to. Aether gave up looking for the fire ghoul and
was on his way to his room until he spot a small ghoul, leaning against a wall.

"Sodo? Is that you?" Aether asked, smiling as he walked towards the smaller ghoul. Aether's smile dropped as soon as he saw the state of the fire ghoul.

"Aether..!" Sodo said weakly before collapsing. Aether had caught him just in time before he reached the ground.

"Satanas! Sodo!" Aether quickly picked him up and took him to the fire ghoul's room.

Aether placed Sodo on a nearby chair. Aether took off Sodo's mask to reveal his ghoul face and inspected it. He was all bruised and beaten up.

"Sodo, what happened?"

Sodo only grumbled in response and snatched his mask back.

"I'm fine!" He growled, putting the mask back on.

"No, you're not fine! You literally collapsed!"

"Just leave me alone!" Sodo tried to get up but was weakened and faltered back in the chair.
Aether humorlessly laughed at Sodo as he went to get a medkit from the fire ghoul's bathroom. When he returned, he saw Sodo whimpering and whining.

"Look, Sodo, I'm here to help you. Let me help you, and I promise I'll leave you alone, okay?"

Sodo growled in annoyance.

Aether opened the medkit and got out antiseptic wipes. Aether gently removed the fire ghoul's mask. He saw the fear in Sodo's eyes.

"I'm fine, Aether! Please, just leave me alone!"

"I'm not here to hurt you. This may hurt a bit but it's for your benefit. I promise I'll do anything you want after I take care of you." Aether began to cleanse the fire ghoul's wounds.

Sodo was shaking underneath Aether's touch. He sometimes yelps whenever Aether puts the antiseptic wipes on the fire ghoul's wounds. Aether felt bad for him. He has never seen the one and only Sodo this shook.

"It's okay, you're doing good," Aether would say in a comforting way. Sodo was surprisingly doing good for the first part until Aether got to the big wound, Sodo pushed away Aether's arm roughly.
Aether was patient with him.

"Okay, we can take a break. Remember, the more you resist, the longer this will take," Aether said calmly.

Sodo nodded and allowed Aether to finish up. Once Aether was done with the face, he wanted to see if Sodo was badly injured anywhere else.

"Lift up your shirt," Aether said.

"Aether!" Sodo slightly raised his voice.

"I want to see if it's okay," Aether remarked.

Sodo sighed and removed his shirt. Everything was beaten up.

"Sodo, what did you get yourself into," Aether asked as he cleansed the wounds once more.

"Fight," Sodo hissed from the pain.
"I got in a fight with Ifrit, Omega and Alpha,"

Aether shook his head in disappointment.
"Who's fault?"

Sodo took awhile to respond before he said, "me,"
"I'll apologize when i'm ready," He muttered.

"You better, you got jumped," Aether started to bandaged up the wounds.

"I'm sure they'll apologize to you too," He added.

"Hope so, it was unfair how it's three against one," Sodo responded.

"You had me very worried," Aether had to admit.

"You actually cared?" Sodo tilted his head a bit.

"Yes Sodo, why else am I taking care of you right now?"

Aether waited for a response.

"I hate to say but I actually missed you," Aether added.

A small smile appeared on the fire ghoul's face.


"You did good," Aether petted the fire ghoul gently.

Aether finally finished bandaging Sodo, quite proud of his work. Sodo was actually impressed of what this ghoul he finds annoying could do. Aether helped Sodo change into his pajamas. After, Aether went to clean up and put the supplies back.

"You okay now?" Aether asked when he returned.

Sodo nodded, "yes, I'm fine."

"Go get some rest now, you deserve it" Aether gave a warm smile at him.

Sodo nodded as he got into bed. He watched Aether walk to the door, about to leave.

"Where are you going?" Sodo asked.

"Well, I promised that i'd do whatever you want me to do," Aether shrugged.

"Stay," Sodo said.

"What?" Aether was surprised.

"I said stay," Sodo repeated, a little annoyed.

"No, I heard you. It's just- wow"
Aether laughed a bit.

"Well? Are you going to break the promise?"

Aether only rolled his eyes playfully,
"Alright, alright,"

Sodo patted on the space next to him on the bed.
Aether removed his mask to reveal his ghoulish face. The two chaotic ghouls laid in bed together. Sodo carefully went in between Aether's legs and rested his head on the quintessence ghoul's stomach. Aether gently holds Sodo's hand and rubs it in comfort. Sodo couldn't help but grin as he pulled Aether's arm and hugged it. Aether massaged the top of Sodo's head with his free arm.

"Thank you.." Sodo said.
"for using your time just to take care of me,"

"Of course," Aether said as he planted a kiss on Sodo's head.

Eventually, the two ghouls fell asleep.

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