With the gesture of his cutting knife‭, ‬he explained to Harry that the bezoars needed to be sliced precisely and added in once the mixture reached a boil‭. ‬

In the meantime‭, ‬Harry critiqued Draco's casting abilities of the Patronus charm‭. ‬He appeared crestfallen as he attempted the charm again and again‭, ‬to no avail‭.‬

"You need to focus all your energy into one extremely happy memory‭,‬"‭ ‬Harry instructed‭, ‬a professional air in his tone‭.‬

"Yeah‭, ‬I gathered that‭,‬"‭ ‬Draco said tersely‭.‬

"But do that while saying the incantation‭.‬"

"I heard you the first time‭!‬"‭ ‬Draco snapped‭. ‬He flicked his wand swiftly‭, ‬spelling‭, ‬"Expecto Patronum‭!‬"‭ ‬

Nothing happened, not even a single spark of light fell from his wand.

"Well, that's no good. . ." Harry said flatly.

"Thank you‭, ‬Captain Obvious‭,‬"‭ ‬Draco said sardonically‭, ‬"for your‭ ‬valuable‭ ‬input‭.‬"‭ ‬He removed his black blazer and laid it neatly on the arm of an opulent chair‭, ‬anticipating a long night‭.‬

"How come you always wear suits‭?‬"‭ ‬Harry asked‭, ‬trying to appear as he was simply trying to make conversation‭. ‬Really‭, ‬he was trying to distract Draco from the stress coursing through his veins‭. ‬He took failure in the same way Hermione did—not well‭. ‬

Draco jeered‭, ‬"Maybe because I know how to bloody dress‭? ‬You wouldn't catch me dead in‭. . ."
—He pointed his wand up and down the length of Harry‭, ‬as if he held a personal grudge against comfortable clothing—"that‭.‬"

Harry fumed, "I was just asking! No need to be so snide about it."

Draco chuckled lightly, "I'm always snide about it."

Harry tried to reason with him, "I get you're upset because you haven't been able to cast your Patronus yet, but you said it yourself—the Patronus charm is very advanced magic! Don't get frustrated."

"I'm not frustrated‭, ‬Potter‭!‬"‭ ‬Draco growled with vexation‭. ‬

Harry shot him a testing look that said‭ ‬"oh really‭?‬"‭ ‬

Draco rolled his eyes, defeatedly, after hearing the harshness in his voice‭. ‬"Okay‭, ‬maybe a little‭,‬"‭ ‬he huffed‭, ‬"But that's because I already know the charm‭. ‬I just can't find the right memory‭.‬"

"Which memory did you pick when you were learning from Snape?"

Draco lowered his head in thought, "It was the time my father bought new brooms for the Quidditch team." He looked up without a smile, "Two chasers lifted me up on their shoulders as everyone cheered, excited for the next match against Gryffindor." He said the name of Harry's House in a taunting voice.

Harry ignored his provocations. "That's pride, Draco, not happiness," he sighed. Harry sat down on the sofa in exasperation. "No wonder that memory didn't work. Is that the same one you used just now?"

Draco shook his head smally‭, ‬"I used the memory of when you and your friends Disapparated from the manor and escaped from You-Know-Who‭.‬"

Harry shook his head, "There's too much fear in any of your memories to do with Voldemort‭.‬"

Draco looked offended by this comment and almost said something rude‭. ‬He sneered instead‭, ‬"Unlike‭ ‬you‭,‬‭ ‬I never claimed to be fearless‭.‬"

Rivals Not Enemies (Drarry Slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now