I'm Only Falling Apart

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—Every now and then I get a little bit helplessAnd I'm lying like a child in your arms(Turn around)Every now and then I get a little bit angryAnd I know I've got to get out and cry(Turn around)Every now and then I get a little bit terrifiedBut the...

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—Every now and then I get a little bit helplessAnd I'm lying like a child in your arms(Turn around)Every now and then I get a little bit angryAnd I know I've got to get out and cry(Turn around)Every now and then I get a little bit terrifiedBut then I see the look in your eyes— – Bonnie Tyler


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


"Alex..." this is not a voice she recognizes, it's deep, and raspy. She looks up to find everyone gone, there's no sign of Steve, Max, nor Dustin. The air is eerily quiet, the only sound is Alex's breathing, in and out, she reminds herself.

She's fine, everything's fine, it has to be. She takes a quiet step away from the desk, around it, and she slowly makes her way to the door, when she cracks it open even more she hears it. Tick tock. The sound of a clock is moving towards her from around the corner. The lights are out, the only source of light comes from the flashlight in her shaking hand.

She can't stop her hand from shaking, it's starting to piss her off since the light won't stay still. In and out.

"Alex" it's the same voice from before, dark and husky, Alex draws in a deep breath as a shiver runs down her spine.

She feels steady on the hard ground, the cool metal of the flashlight, the warmth coming from her sweater. It feels so real.

But it's not, she knows this. But yet, does she? She's too aware of each breath flowing in and out of her, her movements feel too clear. This cannot be real. It just can't. "Alex..."

She takes a sharp breath, "I won't stop til I have you." it's a different voice, one she knows too well, she's heard late at night, waking up to it in the morning. The voice she so deeply misses, the soft, caring voice that she hasn't heard in a very long time.

She feels a tear run down her cheek, it's too hot, too salty. Tick tock.

She rounds the corner, finally laying her eyes on the reasoning behind the sound, a grandfather clock looks as though it's been shoved into the wall, cracks surround it, the glass is cracked. Tick tock.

This is too real...

"Alex!" She hears him before she sees him, her vision seems to fade from black, Steve looks at her with worried eyes, a frown on his face. "Are you alright?"

"I-I don't know." she feels a silent sob break from her mouth, she entraps her into one of his warm, comforting hugs, that makes the water works come faster. Her legs buckle from beneath her, Steve's the only reason she didn't collapse onto the ground. It feels as if she's looking through fish eyed glasses, she can't handle it, she can't, it's too much.

She barreid her head in the crook of Steve's neck breathing in the familiar smell of him, the comforting smell. Pine and oak and a hint of mint body wash, It's Steve and it's real.

It has to be.

"He's in my head." her throat feels clogged, her eyes burn from unshed tears. "He's on my head."

"I know, I know." Steve shushes her, running his hands down her back in a comforting manner. "We're gonna figure it out, I promise."

She hears four sets of footsteps, meaning that Max and Dustin had gone to let Robin and Nancy into the school. She can't stop her breaths from coming in and out erratically. "What the fuck happened?"

That's when Alex took a deep breath and removed her head from the crook of Steve's neck, she wipes her eyes, replying to Dustin. "I'm the next victim."

"It's like exactly what Eddie described happened to Chrissy." Dustin adds.

"I had suspicions." Alex started quietly. "Chrissy said she was getting headaches, nosebleeds, she was seeing things. And in Miss Kelly's notes it says that they had nightmares, and Chrissy looked like she hadn't been sleeping very well, I dream of..."

Everyone is quiet as Alex trails off, "I get nightmares too, they've been getting worse and worse to the point where I'm reliving it. Fred and Chrissy both had past trauma, I feel as though that's well known for me." She huffs an unamused laugh, "It was like I was asleep, the dream being so vivid I could tell you word for word what everything felt like, and then I just woke up, in some way, I woke up."

"Chrissy's headaches started a week ago," Alex starts reading the logs, "Fred six days ago."

She pauses, looking at the group, staring Steve in the eye with a defeated look, "I've been having them for five days." Steve runs a hand through his hair, "Fred and Chrissy died within twenty fours of their first vision. I don't know if that was just a fuck preshow, but I feel it will only get worse, the real one."

No one speaks for a good long while. No one knows what to say, Alex is going to die if they can't find a way to prevent it. "So..." Alex tries to lighten the mood, "What'd you two get?"

It takes a moment before Nancy or Robin to speak up, their minds still processing the possibility that their friend might die, sure they've thought that before but this time it was confirmed that there friend has a pretty good chance of dying, and there's not much they can do about it. When Nancy opens her mouth she gets cut off by a loud clang coming from the hallway. Everyone's heads turn.

"Stay here." Steve says softly as he slowly makes his way to the door leading to the hallway, he grabs a floor lamp from beside a bookshelf before he walks out. Despite what he said, the rest of the group follows a couple feet behind him. There's distant clattering that echoes loudly throughout the empty school.

Next there's erratic footsteps coming from a separate hallway leading to the one they're currently standing in. Steve raises the lamp, the footsteps get closer, they round the corner and the whole group collectively screams as Steve starts to strike, but he stops himself from hitting the cause of the footsteps because the cause was Lucas.

"It's me!" Lucas is shouting as he steps away from Steve before he gets hit.

"Lucas?!" Nancy asks.

"It's me." Lucas sighs after everyone shines their flashlights on him.

"Jesus, what is wrong with you Sinclair!" Steve shouts with his mom voice, Lucas apologizes breathlessly. "I could have taken you out with this lamp!"

"Sorry guys." Lucas is still trying to catch his breath as Steve tosses the lamp to the side. "I was biking for eight miles." He holds a finger up, bending over with his hands on his hips trying to catch his breath, "give me one second." when he does, he says, "Shit... We've got a code red."

"What?" Steve asks, god he really is their mother.

"Dustin." Lucas walks so that he's in front of Dustin instead of Steve. "I've been with Jason, Patrick, and Andy, and they've gone like totally off the rails, they're trying to capture Eddie, and they think you know where he is. You're in terrible danger."

"Alright, that definitely sucks, but we've got bigger problems with Jason now." Dustin sighs, he looks over to Alex, the whole group does.

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