Chapter 6: A, B, C.

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M was looking and hearing the news, with a grim expression of pure nothingness. He didn't even flinch a bit when hearing about the passing of his teammate, and the disappearance of the other one. N was looking at him, in pure disbelief - how could someone be so desensitized to the death of someone close to them? He looked at him and asked: "Are... Are you OK?"

M looked at him, with the same blank expression drawn on his face. "Of course I'm fine. I'm not dead, anyways." N still looked at him in shock. How could he be so insensitive!? As M said that, X also turned to face him. "What kind of response is that!?" He said, his pupils constricting, as he stared into his eyes. M just scoffed at them. "Guys, it's not a big deal. Sure. One of our teammates may be dead, but for all we know, O is probably still alive. Chill out." N just stared in disbelief.

"Not a big deal...?" N was realizing everything. "NOT A BIG DEAL?! M, L IS DEAD! How are you not phased by this?!" N said in pure shock. He was confused and a bit angry at how now. Things will get better, I promise...

"X is right guys, we can't waste all our time fighting!" P added. She was acting worried too, which was kind of rare for her. But in this situation it was understandable. Every normal person would react like that if two of your friends started arguing over the death of a teammate, and M could just stand there and say that it wasn't a big deal that one of their team members was dead, and the other missing. "Oh come on N. Don't tell me you're actually going to miss them." M said. "Plus. Everybody in here hates them anyway. So why should it matter?"

"That... That's not true! L and O are our friends! How could you say such a thing M?" N said, his tone getting more angry by the second. "Without them, what will be of our team!? WE LOST THEM FOREVER, M!"

M looks away from him with a frown on his face. "Tch, we only lost L. For all we know O could still be out there doing who knows what. Maybe he is planning on dying. It doesn't surprise me, he's pathetic. You can't say I'm wrong, it's true." M responded, with a hint of sarcasm. X tries to separate the brothers as their arguing goes further. "M, N, this is getting out of hand. We should not waste time fighting amongst ourselves, we should try and find O for once and for all."

M grunted in annoyance, and closed his eyes, pouting a bit. "Fine. Whatever. I still say it's not worth it. O can find his way back home, it's not a big deal." M says as he rolled his eyes. X sighed, and closed his eyes. "Alright. If you say so. But in the meantime, I'll call some friends if they can help us with our search for him." He then turned off the TV and slowly walked away. "Now, make up and apologize to each other. I'll go upstairs to call somebody if they can help me." X said, with a stern voice. He was getting tired of the arguing already.

X was now walking upstairs, and went into his room. He left the door half open, and spread his window curtains to see that - in fact - it was raining outside. He listened to the raindrops tapping against his window, and watched the rainfall. Then, he pulled out his phone, and dialed a number on an app. It was ringing unanswered for a while, until - a while later, a mysterious voice finally picked it up...

"Hello? Hello? Does somebody hear me?" X mumbled as he held the phone next to his ear. In response, the strange voice introduced themself. "Yeah, yeah, I'm right here; no need to worry man. A from the CAB trio talking, whatcha need?" The voice, seemingly called A, said with a laid back tone. X leaned closer to the phone and said "You know what they said in the news articles, right?"

There was a bit of silence between the two for a bit. Finally, A said something. "About O and L? Yeah...I'm sorry about that. I've heard about it on the TV, the radio, it's everywhere... and every single time it only gets more and more sickening the more and more I hear it. Me and my bros were watching some shows on Adult Swim and BAM! We're surprised to know that somebody just died, and another guy had gone missing! But enough about my talk. Do you need to say anything about that?"

"Well... I suppose. We're now planning to search for O and his whereabouts. He's gone out and never returned for a couple days now, and we're worried sick. Can you and your little friends help us out on his search?" X explained, with a grim look on his face. You could only hope that things will get better from there...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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