
Over the next three hours, the amount of people decreased before Mick is called in once more. Getting up with Lexa, one of the guards immediately stops them from entering.

"Stop there. I need to see I.D." The guard snaps which cause Lexa to hide behind Mick.

"Get Vance right now." Mick sighs in annoyance at the guard.

"Why should I?"

"Because I asked you to do so, and I only speak with Vance. If you don't, we will walk out right now." Mick threatens.

Hearing the guy huff before disappearing, Vance soon appears with the guard.

"Come in, Michaela and Lexa." Vance approves before leading the way. Closing the curtain for privacy, Vance asks them the same questions as he did before. Nothing but the same answers as before.

"It was an urge for me." Mick replies to one of the regular questions.

"And how about you, Lexa?" Vance wonders before earning shy nodding on camera that Vance has on recording, "You still don't speak, which I understand. Where are you staying now?" Lexa points to Mick.

"We are in the process of her living with me, as of the other day." Mick explains with a smile.

"That's great news. I'm truly happy for you both. Since you answered all but one question Lexa, I need to ask this alone, Michaela. After this, you both may leave. Michaela, could you wait in the waiting area for her please?" Vance asks sadly.

"I will be right out there, okay, little angel?" Mick frowns slowly helping Lexa off her lap. Feeling Lexa immediately latch onto her, Mick kisses Lexa's forehead, "You'll be okay, I'm not going to leave without you. I promise."

Hearing Lexa whimper and start to cry, Vance's heartbreaks.

"Lexa, could you look at me for a few seconds to answer my question as long as Michaela does not answer for you?" Vance wonders. Meeting Lexa's scared, terrified blue eyes, she nods as more tears fall, "Have you had any of these 'urges' before last night?"

Lexa shrugs but nods.

"The only accident you were involved in was with your grandfather and the junkyard? Was it then?"

Lexa frowns but nods as more tears fall.

"Do you remember what the urge was telling you?"

"Save them and set them free." Lexa mumbles quietly.

"Save them and set them free? Was that all?" Lexa nods.

"Okay, that's good Lexa. You did very well. Do you only feel safe when you are with Michaela?"

"Mhm." Lexa nods weakly.

After the questions end, Vance passes Mick two of his cards for her and Lexa to call if they remember anything. Leaving the airport and the building, Mick helps Lexa into her car seat and covers her with her sweater so Lexa can get some rest.


Reaching the hospital for Cal's appointment, Lexa and Mick walk hand in hand to the floor Ben and Grace would be at with Cal. Spotting that Ben and Grace are in a heated argument, Mick makes their presents known to them.

Own your truth.

Mick hears before looking at Lexa in startlement. Meeting Lexa's wide eyes, they turn back to the fighting couple.

"I wasn't going to marry Jared and I know now why that is." Mick admits startling Grace and Ben out of the argument, "We must own our truths."

"What are you talking about?" Grace asks.

"Now is the perfect time to admit things." Lexa explains, "While you have the time."

"I ran into this guy when we went hiking last year and I believe that was my turning point. His name is Zeke, and he was our hiking instructor for Evie and I. I'm perfectly happy being single and getting my life back on track."

Hearing a phone buzz, Grace looks down to see the message, but doesn't realize Mick and Lexa can see it as well.

If you don't reply, Grace, we are over. I understand you and Ben need time but what about us?

"Own your truth." Lexa whispers to Grace sadly, "Just tell him." Hearing Grace sigh, she nods.

"Ben," Grace starts to earn his attention, "I know it hasn't been five years for you, but it has for me and for Olive. I met a guy at a support group, and it was three years after they declared everyone missing or dead."

By the end of the discussion, Grace is sobbing while Mick has an upset Lexa sitting on her lap – on the couch in the waiting area for Cal. Sighing sadly as Ben paces back and forth with tears building in his eyes, Mick understands both sides.

"Did you know, Mick?" Ben finally asks, "Or Lexa?"

"Not really. I just know the signs sadly." Mick reveals.

"Lexa didn't nor really understand, Ben. Only Olive knows and she's been pushing for me to tell you. I'm so sorry, Ben." Grace apologizes heartbroken, "If you can't stand me right now, I'll leave until you are ready to talk it out or whatever route you need us to go." Grace sighs.

"Do you love him?" Ben wonders equally heartbroken.

"Not like I love you, Ben. He lost his wife, and I lost you. I think I needed someone and no, he never stayed over in our house to sleep."

"Do you know where Art, and Cal's things are? Or are they gone?"

"Olive told me this morning at she kept some things of Cal's, in Danny's storage locker. If you'd like, pick up Olive from school and she will take you there."

"Okay. I want to work through this, Grace. I do, but I need time." Ben reveals with a frown and a few tears falling.

"I understand, Ben." Grace nods with a clear of her throat, "Would you like me to go get Cal's things?"

"No, I will." Ben admits, "Mick, can you and Lexa keep an eye on Cal with Grace?"

"Sure. That's no problem." Mick agrees, "I will let either of you stay at my place. I have a hideaway bed attached to the couch."

"Thank you." Ben smiles weakly.

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