Somebody To Love

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Sirius glanced at his watch again, his foot tapping on the floor. It was only 20 past 7, he could have just gotten lost? Maybe traffic was bad? He contemplated between theories, ordering another tea. He checked his phone again, reloading over and over again. No new messages.

He huffed as he held his head in his hands. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw people getting up to leave the small cafe he was sitting in. He looked up to the window in front of him, watching as the snow sprinkled onto the pavement, the sun setting magically behind it. Sighing again, he began tapping his spoon on his mug to the beat of the music playing from the speakers, 'Somebody to Love' by his favourite band Queen. This just made him feel even more pathetic. Stood up, again. Alone for Christmas, again.

"You look miserable." a calming voice said from behind him. He turned to see the barrister cleaning away some used cups and plates, a red cloth draped over his shoulder.

"That's because I am," I glanced at his name tag, "Remus." His face was kind, soft, safe. He had freckles splattered across his pale face, his hazel eyes popping from his beige uniform. A small yellow pencil sat behind his ear nested in his messy brown hair. They were the only two in the cafe, as it was closing very soon.

"I'm Sirius by the way."

"Like the star?"

"Exactly that."

"Well, nice to meet you Sirius."

Sirius smiled up at him, trying to hide how sad he really felt. He failed in trying to mask his emotions.

"Mind if I join you?"

He pulled out a chair from the table behind him, pulling it forwards to sit in front of Sirius, their knees colliding whilst he shuffled forwards. Sirius blushed slightly, quickly hiding his face with his hand as he pretended to cough.

"Tell me what's wrong. I just want to help." Remus said, looking concerned.

"I got stood up. Again. Third time in the past two months."

"Oh, that really sucks. Do you need anything? Coffee? Cake? I can see you like tea." Remus glanced down at the many empty teapots in front of him.

"Another tea would be nice." He chuckled.

"Coming up." He smiled as he walked away. Sirius stood and followed to sit on the bar stools. He watched Remus in awe as he effortlessly brewed the pot of tea, stirring it slowly as he placed it in front of Sirius next to a clean mug.

"Thank you." Sirius smiled, pouring the warm drink into his mug. Remus grabbed a mug from behind him, letting Sirius pour the remaining tea into it.

"So, was this girl a big loss or can you get over it." He smirked slightly resting his elbows on the counter in front of him. Sirius chuckled.

"Well, he didn't seem too nice anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter." He looked at Remus' eyes, hoping he would catch on.

"Ah well, there's plenty of other guys out there." He smiled. They stared into each others eyes, Sirius' heart beating faster and faster. He thought about leaning in further, but what if he didn't feel the same way? His new friend would think he was a freak and drop him immediately. So he stood up instead.

"It's um, it's getting dark. I should probably head home." He walked over to his table from earlier and swung his bag over his shoulder. He turned to look at Remus, who had followed him out from behind the counter.

"Do you have to go so soon?" Remus questioned, taking a step closer.

"Well, I do have a dog at home, and I haven't eaten. Also-" He was stopped mid sentence as he felt the other mans lips pressed against his own. He gasped at the sudden impact, but kissed him back, smiling slightly against his mouth. Remus' hands travelled into Sirius' long black hair, holding him closer. Sirius slowly pulled away, and gazed into his eyes.

"Do you want to come back to my place? We could order pizza or something, if you wanted.."

"That would be great." They smiled at each other softly, and after locking up the cafe they walked down the snow blanketed streets towards the towering apartment buildings, golden from the light of the sunset.

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