
14.8K 368 87

wednesday, 9:08 p.m.

jack: holy shit

me: ??

jack: are you at the movies rn?

me: ..

jack: with a group of friends ?

me: yess. why?

jack: bc i just saw you

jack: you look fucking hot

me: thanks loser

jack: im w friends too. what are you seeing

me: poltergeist

jack: fucking same!

jack: sit in the back

jack: that is where my friends and i are sitting

me: why would i sit up there

jack: bc i want to sit by you

jack: i want to hold your hand

me: ok fine

wednesday, 9:56 p.m.

me: keep ur hands to urself

jack: my hands are to myself

me: no they are on my upper thigh.

jack: 😊

jack: idk what you are talking about

me: johnson is going to notice

me: he is going to make fun of you later for "hooking up" w a sophomore

jack: idfc

jack: besides, i only kissed your cheek. that isnt hooking up babe

me: ya but he saw us holding hands too

jack: calm down bb

me: i will if u remove ur hand from my upper thigh

jack: no

me: whatever im watching the movie

jack: 💫💭👸🏼😭🐾💜💘❤️✨😎🌘😏😬😒

me: fucking stop im trying to concentrate

jack: 💇🏿🐔🐴🔥🌟⛅️🗻🌅🌎🌋🍝🍯🍜🍰🍥🍶🍤🍵🍣🍘🏮💛💍💌💟🎌🎓🎷🎱🎹🀄️🎩🎢🎳🎠

me: i will stab your balls w my spiky ring

jack: what spiky ring?

jack: oh sheeet

jack: ok im done

jack: 🛅🚁🌇🚤🏢🚡👠👜👛👟💳📬📘📒📈📗📤😇😕😙☺️😐😝

jack: ok done forreal this time(:

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