02 - Why don't I shut up?

Start from the beginning

It must have been my imagination.

"Your name is Jaune, right?" Weiss interjects, coming between me and Pyrrha. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"

"No, Snow princess." I prefer using princess than angel.

"This is Pyrrha Nikos."

"Hello again," said the redhead, waving happily at me.

"She graduated first in the Sanctum Academy."

"Never heard of her." Of course, I knew, but it was important to stay in character.

Indignant, Weiss continues.

"She won the annual Mistral regional tournament four years in a row, a record."

"Seriously? Wow, congratulations." This time I was being authentic, winning four times in a row since the age of 13 is no small feat.

"She's on the cover of Pumpkin Pete's cereals."

"Wow, they only do that with celebrities and famous athletes. You're amazing, Pyrrha."

"Thank you," she said dejectedly, for some reason she seemed sadder. "It was nice, despite the cereal being bad for your health."

"So, Jaune," the girl in white says accusingly as she looks at me from head to toe. "After hearing all this, do you think you're in a position to ask her to join your team?"

"Of course."

My statement caught both of them by surprise.

"You must be very confident in your abilities or have a lot of influence in the world to say something like that," Weiss comments, curious about who I am.

"In fact, I admit that I'm weak, and my connections can be counted on one hand."

"So you're just an idiot."


"I just think Pyrrha seems like a nice person. She didn't know me and treated me with respect, despite her being so famous and influential." I decided to improvise the ending to avoid being skewered.

Looking into the Mistral champion's eyes, I continue.

"Pyrrha, you seem like someone humble, kind, respectable, and very pleasant to talk to." I try to smile as genuinely as possible. "And I would love to be on the same team as you."

This sparks joy in the girl, who gives me the biggest smile I've seen since I arrived in this world.

"Good luck to both of you, see you at the initiation."

I walk towards the cliff, confident that I made a good impression on Pyrrha and afraid that I may have had a worse one with Weiss.

[Pyrrha Nikos]

Who are you, Jaune Arc?

When you approached me in the locker room, I thought you were another person trying to take advantage of me and my fame.

But no, besides not knowing who I was, you approached Weiss first. At that moment, I thought you were interested in the Schnee family's money, but you weren't after money either.

If money and fame weren't the reasons you approached, then what was?

In the end, the answer was the simplest of all: you thought that Weiss and I were beautiful, and that's why you came to talk to us.

That was a first for me.

I've had people in the past who tried to flirt with me, but their interest in my appearance was at most secondary. When men and women talk to me, they want to know what I can do for them... for their careers...

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