Chapter 4

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The walk back home was quiet. As Sungchan trudged through the all-familiar street. His feet felt weird in his shoes, especially since he refuses to wear socks when his feet are wet. He was still wet from the beach, but the light breeze every now and then managed to dry him up a bit. When he checks his watch, it was already pretty late as it was already nearing midnight. Even so, he doubts that the 127 party is going to end anytime soon. He'd rather go home and sleep than go back to that hellhole.

I can spend my first and last summer in this town with you, Sungchan. What does that even mean? Well, Yuta did say their family is leaving after this summer, but why go here in the first place? There's not much to see; it's a quiet place in the province; and they're making Shotaro work. What's the point?

Well, he's not one to judge. He shakes the thoughts away from his head as he approaches home. The porch lights in front of his house are on, he sighs thinking someone forgot to close them again. As he nears the front door, he vaguely hears the sound of the TV. Dad . He knocks twice, making it a little loud so that it could be heard over the television. He hears the floorboards creek from inside and hopes his Dad doesn't fall through. Though, it would be pretty funny.

Locks are being turned and shortly after the door opens, "Sungchan? Why're you early?" His Dad's tone is judgemental, almost like he's scolding Sungchan for not being rebellious like his brother. But he knows it's all in good fun.

Sungchan looks down at his Dad, the other promptly looks up at him with a teasing smirk on his face as he opens the door wider and scoots his wheelchair aside. "And why aren't you sleeping, old man?" He rolls his eyes, entering the house as his Dad laughs. He makes sure to hit the lights of the porch on his way in, closing the door behind him.

"In case my little introvert wanted to home early from a party." He retorts, watching Sungchan go behind him to push him back into the living room. "It's only 11PM, Chan. Live a little!"

Sungchan mimics his Dad, flapping his mouth open and close as he spoke. The floorboards creek under them—he makes a mental note to tell Jaehyun to fix that—as they make their way to the living room, the TV still playing. Sungchan wheels his Dad over to his spot next to the couch, sitting beside him afterward. After a few more minutes of silence between them, the TV peacefully playing in front of them, Sungchan speaks, "This movie sucks."

"I know right?" But they continue watching anyway.

This is always how they worked. Jaehyun is loud, and outgoing, and always says what's on his mind. Sungchan is reserved, and insecure, and thinks before saying anything. He thinks a lot . But somehow their Dad knows how to communicate with them. He knows how to balance between the two boys without a problem. Sungchan doesn't feel like the "other son" with him, he's never felt that way.

Even now as they sit in silence watching TV, they were bonding. Because his Dad knew that when it came to Sungchan, all he had to do was hold his hand and that's how Sungchan knew he was loved. No words are required. As Sungchans hand lay on the armrest of the couch, his Dad's slowly followed to lie on top of his. They continue to watch.

"How was the party?"

Sungchan shrugs, "Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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