Chapter 2

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"You know his face, name, where he works but you didn't get his number!?" Ten sighs and holds his head in his hands as Kun wraps his arm around his shoulders to console his boyfriend. "I didn't teach you this, Chan!"

"I embarrassed myself in front of a pretty boy and I'm unemployed! Summer sucks." Sungchan pouts, drinking his Sprite like a tequila shot. Not only are his friends laughing at his struggles with socialization, but they're also doing it while playing Mario Kart out of all things.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't say that!" Hendery aggressively pokes the back of his head, making Sungchan's drink splash on the floor as his whole body jolts from the force. "Summer is the best part of the year! Next to Christmas—oh! Also my birthday."

"Yeah for you." Sungchan groans, refilling his drink, "The heat is unbearable, summer fashion consists of tank tops and hats, don't even talk about the sweat, and if you have nothing to do during the whole season, it's incredibly boring."

He feels the space next to him on the couch dip and finds Hendery looking at him creepily in the eyes. It's the stare Sungchan thinks the former uses for interrogation... it works, "How pretty is this boy anyway?"

How pretty? There's no way to answer that question, "No comment."

"Let me see this kid!" Ten huffs, vape connecting to his lips as he inhales more smoke, looking away from them as he blows it out in Kun's direction. The latter doesn't mind, inhaling smoke from his own. Sungchan idolizes their comfortable and easy relationship way too much when moments like that happen.

Kun shrugs, kissing Ten's cheek. "We could always go tomorrow." Wait, are they actually serious?

"Uhm, see him so you can embarrass me more? No thanks." He shakes his head, drinking more of his Sprite.

The Mario Kart players are getting vocal and their attention turns to the TV that displays three characters. They played the baby characters for shits and giggles, Sicheng as Peach; Yangyang as Mario; Dejun as Bowser. As of now, everyone is rooting for Sicheng to win. It's a close match, with Yangyang getting a special box in the last lap and luckily getting a blue shell that unfortunately aimed for Sicheng.

"AGAIN?" Sicheng aggressively knocks his body into Yangyang who in turn knocks into Dejun like a domino.

"Hey!" Yangyang shouts as they both start bickering, hitting each other on the sides with their elbows.

During their little fight, Dejun, unfortunately, falls off the track which ends up in him getting to last place. "What the!?" His face of defeat is priceless as Ten hits him with his foot while laughing.

It's down to two, and with the help of Hendery shouting at the TV, they get back in focus on the game. Sicheng uses the banana he kept "For Emergency" and successfully hits Yangyang who screams in protest. They cover their ears at the sound, in turn making even louder sounds to get back at the poor boy. At last, Sicheng's character finally crosses the finish line. He bolts up jumping for joy with the biggest smile on his face, crashing onto the people on the couch.

hello summertime | sungtaro ✏Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon