"Of course not, but—" Colin begins to respond when the door opens and in walks Daphne. Elizabeth stands up so that the new duchess may sit down, and she stands beside Benedict; who does not take his eyes off of her as she moves across to him.

"Evening, everyone!" Daphne greets brightly, Violet letting out a shocked," dearest!"

"What are you doing here, Daph? Should you not be frolicking in newlywed bliss?" Asks Anthony as Violet stands up.

"I came as swiftly as our carriage would allow when I heard the news." Daphne explains.She leans against the chair next to the one Anthony is leaning against.

"In the middle of your honeymoon?" He asks.

"Hastings must surely be cursing the Bridgerton name for this." Benedict states with a grin, and Elizabeth says," I think it is sweet how he has allowed her to come back to her family in a time of need. That is true love."

Benedict smirks at her when she makes a pointed look to him; and Colin rolls his eyes from the corner, all attention going back to Benedict when he asks," where is he, anyhow?"

"He went to set up Hastings House." Replies Daphne.

"We have all things in order, sister. We do not require your assistance." Anthony tells her, prompting a pacing Violet to say," oh well that is simply not true, Anthony, and you know it. Daphne may be the answer to all of our problems. Once the ton see that we still have the favour of the duke and the duchess, then the whispers may very well cease, and we shall go about our daily lives as if nothing has happened, as if nothing is awry."

"And no one will be the wiser." Daphne states, not looking at her mother, her voice oddly strained." Pretending that nothing is amiss is the perfect way to lure the ignorant into submission. Is it not, mama?"

The two women stare at one another, causing Anthony to glance at Benedict; who bites his lip and glances to Elizabeth, who gives a small shrug. Something was wrong, that was evident, but it was also evident that they may not know what has happened.

"Now, what grand event will the ton be descending upon this week?" Asks Daphne, looking to her brothers and then back to her mother, Colin standing ever so quietly in his corner." Surely there is something?"

"The, um...the queen is hosting a luncheon." Violet clears her throat before she answers, and Daphnes quickly follows up with," I am certain the duke and I can secure an invitation. If we are lucky, our return to London will give everyone so much to talk about, they simply have no breath left to discuss other matters."

"I'm so very glad this has all been settled on my behalf." Colin's voice is full of sarcasm as he speaks. He often felt as though people viewed Daphne as his older sister and not his younger one; and he had expressed this to Elizabeth many times. About how it made him feel as thought people would never stop viewing him as a child and how he wished they would take him seriously.

He leaves the room, slamming the door behind himself, and Daphne follows after him— stopping Elizabeth from going. Instead, she heads out with Benedict; causing Anthony and Violet to glance at one another as the second born calls out a last minute," I shall walk Beth home!" before he closes the door behind them; sneaking her around a hidden corner and kissing her softly before he links their arms and actually begins to walk her home.

"I hope to be a mother some day." Elizabeth says dreamily, Benedict glancing at her as they walk under the starlit sky." I know I often share the same views as El, but I do wish to have children. It just has to be with someone I love."

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