Chapter Fourteen

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Sarah Green

The dream was enough to sour my morning. But I didn't let it decide my mood today. Won't give him or his memory to walk all over me again.

Going through my morning routine. I wrapped a towel around me. Wiping the fog off the mirror I stared back at me. My chocolaty eyes staring back at me. A glint of hope dancing in them.

Zoe texted me yesterday evening saying that Ink and paper publishers contacted her back and asked for a meet up with us.

Zoe said that she'll go there with me as my editor and there I'll tell them about my book and give them the plot and story line. Before they make up their mind to take up my book in their publishing list or not.

I was clinging to this thread of hope. I wanted a big push for this book. Because it was something I've always dreamed of writing. A perfect dark romance book. But I always missed something or the other in them. And they ended up in my drafts.

But this book. I have my emotions attached to this work. Been searching and thinking of the right plot to set the story in. To not make it basic yet not make it too complex. I have given my sweat and blood in making the characters come this long.

I have almost reached the halfway point of the book. And I just wanted someone to acknowledge my work. To see and to see me, see my potential. When I started reading I thought that the book I was reading at that point is the best. But the more I read the more things I found.

It was something about the villains that attracted me. About the bad boys that brought me to them. Something about the guys whom I can't fix.

Shaking my head I wiped my body dry and walked into my room naked. I was home alone and locked so there was nothing for me to worry about.

Taking my time thinking about what to wear. I didn't want to be too formal and didn't want to be too casual about my work. So I set down to a formal yet casual uniform.

Wearing my turquoise pants I paired it with white button down blouse and to put it all together I put on my white heels.

It was already eleven thirty by the time I locked the apartment and took the elevator down. Not trying to panic I guess cause I was super duper late.

I sprint into a slow run because of my white four inch heels out of the apartment building onto the main road. Rushing by the door of my car I sit inside, roaring back the engine I go back on the road.

It took me fifteen minutes to reach the Ink and paper publishers building. Looking at myself in the rearview I run a hand over my hair smoothing them down. Inhaling lung full of air I tried to lessen my anxiety.

It's going to be fine.

They're gonna like my book.

We're gonna get this contract.

I can do this!

Exhaling I reached for my bag and got out of the car and walked inside the lobby of the three store building.

Smiling at the receptionist I reached her desk.

"Hey, I'm Sarah Green, I have a appointment today regarding my book with Mr. Demetri." The lady behind the desk passed me a soft smile before checking down in her desktop.

"Sarah!" I turned around watching Zoe running towards me. Her hands awkwardly hold onto her purse and her sunglasses tangled in her hair.

Reaching my side she huffed out a breath and painfully snatched out the glasses from her hair. I winced slightly before laughing at her.

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