Chapter Six

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Sarah Green

We were sitting on the beach, the water reached our legs when the waves crashed against the shore. It wasn't quiet but it was calm. Being in his presence. There were families and many other people, though it was winter so one seemed to mind the cold winds or the cold water. We sat side by side, my finger fidgeting as I tried to calm my nerves.

This was my first date. And he was the one who asked me out. It still came out as a surprise to me I never thought that he would ask me out. But I did agree I was so happy to finally go on my first date that I made a huge chaos about what to wear and what not to. And had a mini panic attack because I couldn't find anything to wear.

"Um, I got the note we decided to share." I said shyly. We decided that we would write each other a small note about anything. It could be a joke for all it matters but I sat down and thought thoroughly before I wrote down what I did. He looked at me his eyes wide with surprise before he smiled at me. " I didn't think you would." He explained before I handed him the note.

I didn't exactly want to see while he read what I wrote but I wanted to see his expression. The way his eyes seemed so focused on each word before reading it again. I tried to keep my anxiety at bay not wanting to creep him out. I sneaked my phone and snapped a picture of him. Smiling at myself I kept my phone back into the sling bag I brought with myself and looked back at him. Only that he was looking at me intensely.

He turned slightly causing our knees to touch before he looked in my eyes then my lip. My palms began sweating as I bit the inside of my cheek. He leaned forward ever so slightly. "This is beautiful." He breathed in as a smile formed on his face. "My note couldn't even beat this." I laughed at his reaction before he finely folded the piece of paper before sliding it into his pocket.

I pushed my hand forward. "Mine?" I asked and hoped that he would too have written a note for me. Cause I didn't want to make a fool of myself. He smiled cheeky "it's back in my car, I'll give it to you when we return back." Giving him a small nod we engaged ourselves into our conversation.

From the types of books we preferred to what we wanted, to do what things we liked, where we wanted to go and what type we liked we talked and laughed together. Sharing moments and memories with each other, of each other.

"Back to earth Sarah!" Arlo exclaimed before he smacked the back of my head. Glaring at him I returned the favour.

"Fuck you bitch!" He whines but I flip him the finger.

"So yeah as I was saying then Killian got up and the whole ass meeting room dropped dead silent. Lucas probably looked like he wanted to kill him, but dude it was so hot." He takes a moment and fans his face before he continues

"He told him that we could use another strategy to deal with the case we were currently dealing with and the board members actually agreed with him. And Oh My Freaking Gawd! The way Lucas turned red but somehow found it in himself to let Killian lead this case was worth it dude." He says munching down on my packet of potato chips.

" Wasn't he new here in Florence? How did he get into the board meeting?" I asked baffled at the new information I just got. "Nah, he actually got transferred from Denmark to here and was already leading there so our boss found him fit for the job." I nodded absent mindedly.

Last I remember was he wanted to stay back in Denmark and work there. Earn fortunes and stay close to his family. He was the kind of boy who talked fondly of his family. Whereas I did talk about my family but the things were far away from being happy talks.

The alarm on Arlo's phone altered us that the lunch time was over and it was time for us to return back to our own worlds. Smashing a couple of euros on the table I hugged Arlo and sling my tot back over my shoulder.

I checked my phone for any new messages from zoe. And my smile drops when I find none. She told me she has asked Rachel Publishers—one of biggest publishers in Italy. She told me for the book I'm currently working on it would be a shame if a big publisher didn't want to work with me.

Well it would be more of a shame for me though but still I'm hoping for it to work. I walk out of the cafe and towards my car. My hands grip the wheel tightly as I take in a deep breath. Everything is going to be fine. Zoe told me she'd send emails to all the big publishers in the country and try to lure them to work with me.

I turned out every thought before I plugged in my cord and played 'Apocalypse by Ciggerates after Sex' and opened my notes. Taping on the poem's box I opened a new note—I let my mind run free of thoughts and feelings that are blocked inside of me and let it all tumble out.

It was a box inside my head, Keeping things
I wanted to forget, locked and guarded.
so they don't escape my mind
when I walk down the same way.
But the lane turns and switches
And once again I'm standing in front of the pandora I never wanted to get into again.

I frown down on my own words, hating what I wrote. It was always that remark that once my English teacher told me which has stuck with me till date. But I try to shove it away. Cause poetry is about me, myself and my own feelings.

Love Like In The BooksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora