Chapter Twelve

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Killian Windson

I try to assess her mood while she angryly munches down her bread and soup. Her lips form a slight pout as she blows the soup before taking the sip. Her hair falls down her as she tugs a strand behind her ear. 

Her cleavage gives my eyes a nice show when she leans down a little. Rushing in a breath I eat my own food—tecnically that fucker's food but whatever. My face softens thinking how she doesn't like eating in front of anyone—too self conscious.

My heart ached a little when she moved away when I first visited her apartment. I had to gulp down the ache because I earned it. I earned the wall that she built up again. The wall that I fetched over years back and stole the precious golden heart of her. Dropping it somewhere in the rush of it all.

Placing my fork down I take a sip of my water and fold my hands on my chest and look at her. It didn't take her long to feel my gaze on her. Looking up at me with hodded eyes, her cheek poking out with bread stuffed in her mouth stopping the spoon full of soup near her lips. A soft chuckle parted from my lips but I shut it back down when she glared at me.

Munching down faster on her bite she gulped and took a sip of her water before folding her hands over her chest—mirroring my position. Narrowing her eyes at me she tilted her head a little to the left. I raised my brows in excitement— knowing what I had coming my way.

"You're an A graded dickhead." She hissed out and I knew if we were alone it would end up with me dead and buried deep under the land. Or one of us tied to the bed. Blood rushed to my dick at the scenario. Pushing my palm down on my cock I fixed my pants.

"Actually, you gave this dick a head and thank you I know my dick is A grade." I grinned at her, knowing it annoyed her to no extent. I loved it when she reacted and fought me back. But, I especially loved the blush that creeps up her face. A smirk sets on my face watching her turn red at the memory.

"Tha—that was not what I meant!" She huffed avoiding my eyes.

"Don't you dare turn my words around," she squints her eyes again and gives me a pointed look. I raise my hands up in surrender and watch as she slumps back into her side.

"Why did you do it?" She asked genuinely looking at me for answers.

I scoffed.

"You dreamed of coming to Italy and you didn't even care to learn Italian?" I could see in her eyes that my words affected her and I regretted it immediately. But she didn't let me slip past her walls this time. This time she masked it up with anger.

"For your information I did learn Italian and I knew what he said so don't try to go all bossy on me." She defends herself. Her hands are fidgeting with each other, sighing I know she doesn't like talking about this stuff. Doesn't like confrontations. And I couldn't help but blame myself a little for it.

But my veins burned with rage at that fucker who was looking at her like a drooling rabied dog seen raw meet. Raising my brow at her I spoke again.

"So you knew what he said and still you say there and laughed it off." I was now mad, mad at her for avoiding that comment. Mad at that fucker who left without any harm done to him. Mad at myself for feeling like this.

"No, that's how we talk." She stammered—an action which happens when she lies. Now she has some fucking audacity.

"Don't give me that bullshit, you met that guy yesterday, decided to go on a date with him the very next day and you guys talk like what fuck buddies who can't get enough of your 'fucking sessions'?" My voice got louder with each syllable. Breathing heavily I grit my teeth.

Her eyes grew moist as she clenched her jaw trying to hold in her tears. As a flash of emotion flashed in her eyes.

No, I'm sorry!

Slamming her part of the bill she stood up. Turned around and walked her way out. Rubbing a hand over my face I put out some extra bills and rushed out after her. She was about to reach her car when I gripped her wrist and turned her around.

"Sarah, I'm sorry I'm genuinely sorry I didn't want to say all that—I just saw the way you squirmed when he made that comment and I lost it." I rambled out my apology scared that she'll turn around and leave me.

"You have no right to 'lose it'" she spits out before freeing her wrist out of my grasp. I look at her with a dull ache forming in my heart.

"I'm sorry." I whispered again looking down, ashamed of what I did.

"I-sometimed I think you did this on purpose, I don't know what you want from me Killian and it would be better if you stay away from me." Her voice cracks a little as she turns around opens her car door and slames it on my face.

Taking in a shaky breath I rub a hand over my face. I fucked up again. I fucked up fucking again. Cursing at myself I turned around and walked up to my car.

Any time I try to make things up, try to apologise for what I did for the way I reacted for what happened. I just go around and fuck it all up.

Fucking great Killian.

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