⋆˙⟡best for you⋆˙⟡

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  When Fred arrived at Durham, he saw the remains of the girls' dormitory and he felt his heart sink to his stomach. The pain was like getting punched in the gut and Fred felt as if he was going to vomit. "Excuse me sir" Fred stopped one of the firefighters. "Yes?" he replied to the firefighter. "Was everyone able to exit the building safely?" Fred asked as he felt needles in his throat. The fireman let out a sigh. "It is a miracle, everyone survived" the fireman smiled, but he was exhausted from putting out the fire. 

   For a second, Fred thought he was too late, but when he realized that everyone survived, he knew exactly where to look. He ran through the huge school and looked for William's classroom. It took a while, but he found it. "William!" he yelled. Will turned his head and looked at Fred he was standing outside the classroom. "Where is Y/n?" Fred asked. "She is sleeping in my lecture hall" William explained. "All of the girls are staying here until we figure something out" he added. "Is she safe?" Fred asked. "Yes, the girls are quite anxious now, but there was no harm" William explained. 

   "Can I see her?" Fred asked anxiously. "No...there are a dozen girls sleeping in that lecture hall, it would be inappropriate for you to be in there" William explained to Fred. "But-" "Fred...I know you are worried but you cannot be in there. I can assure you that Y/n is fine, if you would like you can stay until the morning" William explained. "Fine I shall do that instead" Fred was being passive aggressive. 

  Fred sat down on a bench and William laid down on the floor in front of his lecture hall. Fred was fighting to stay up, but he wasn't successful in the end. He turned over on his side and tried to keep his eyes open, but he was exhausted. William was still up and he laughed to himself. Fred really tried his hardest, but his body was at its limit. A few minutes after Fred fell asleep, the door to William's lecture hall opened

   "Professor Moriarty?" Y/n asked. "Y/n" he replied. "What are you doing out here?" she asked. "I decided to stay here just in case anything else happened" William explained, getting up from the floor. "About that, I have an idea of who could be responsible for this" Y/n said. "Pierce and Nevil" Professor Moriarty said to her. Y/n's eyes widened. "How did you know?" Y/n asked. "It was simple, those two had the most problems with women getting an education and they would constantly harass women in and out of my class, mostly you" Professor Moriarty explained. "What are we going to do?" Y/n asked. "From what I heard, they got arrested earlier tonight, someone found them fleeing from the dorms and with all the evidence" William explained. 

   "By the way, someone came to see you" he pointed at Fred. "Fred!" Y/n walked over to him. "How long has he been here?" she felt bad. "He got here a couple of hours after you girls arrived" Professor Moriarty explained. "I guess I'm too late" Y/n sat on the floor. "You are very dear to him, did you know?" Professor Moriarty said. "He is to me too" Y/n admitted it. "You went out with him today right?" Moriarty asked. "I did, it was a lovely day" Y/n said. "Then why do you look so sad?" Professor Moriarty asked. 

   "My parents are probably going to send me back home after this" Y/n said. "There is a chance they may not" Professor Moriarty said. "What do you mean?" Y/n asked. "I probably should not tell you this, but they asked me to watch over you before you came here"he explained. "They did that?" Y/n asked. "They love you very much Y/n, that's why they trusted me with you" Professor Moriarty explained. "But where am I going to stay?" Y/n questioned. "I know some people, they can get something arranged for you" he explained to his student. 

   "Really? You would do that?" she asked. "Of course, at the end of the day you are my student and I want the best for you" Professor Moriarty explained. "Merci beaucoup professeur" Y/n said. "You're very welcome, ma pupille" Professor Moriarty replied. "And Fred, how am I going to tell him how I feel?" Y/n asked. "If you don't mind me asking, did he get you anything today?" Professor Moriarty asked. "He got me something to eat and showed me the city" Y/n explained. "Why do you ask?" she added. "No reason" Professor Moriarty played dumb. 

   "Alright" Y/n got up and walked over to Fred. "Bonne nuit mon cher" Y/n whispered to Fred before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Bonne nuit professeur" Y/n said before heading back to the lecture hall to sleep. The wooden seats were not as comfortable as her bed, but it was better than burning in a dorm. That night had been a mess, but Y/n felt good knowing that there were a lot of people who cared about her and were willing to protect her. 

  Y/n went to bed that night knowing that her parents would be in England in a couple of days, it wasn't every day that a dorm burns down at a college so the news would get out eventually and her parents would rush to see her in a heartbeat and Y/n knew that. She planned to have a letter written and delivered to her parents the following morning so they wouldn't worry. Y/n also considered telling her parents about Fred, but she didn't know how they would take it.  

   Meanwhile in France,  Ambre and Aresène had already received news about Durham and they wasted no time getting on a boat to see their girl, even if they were an hour behind due to the time zone, they wanted to make sure Y/n was alive. She was their only child and they loved her oh so much.  


Merci beaucoup professeur- Thank you very much, professor 
Ma pupille- My student
Bonne nuit mon cher- good night my dear
Bonne nuit professeur- good night professor

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